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Chicago citation style:
Head, Thomas A. Campaigns and battles of the Sixteenth regiment, Tennessee volunteers, in the war between the states, with incidental sketches of the part performed by other Tennessee troops in the same war, -1865. Nashville, Tenn., Cumberland Presbyterian pub. house, 1885. Pdf.
APA citation style:
Head, T. A. (1885) Campaigns and battles of the Sixteenth regiment, Tennessee volunteers, in the war between the states, with incidental sketches of the part performed by other Tennessee troops in the same war, -1865. Nashville, Tenn., Cumberland Presbyterian pub. house. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Head, Thomas A. Campaigns and battles of the Sixteenth regiment, Tennessee volunteers, in the war between the states, with incidental sketches of the part performed by other Tennessee troops in the same war, -1865. Nashville, Tenn., Cumberland Presbyterian pub. house, 1885. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.