Book/Printed Material An institution of general history, or The history of the world
About this Item
- An institution of general history, or The history of the world
- Howell, William, 1631 or 1632-1683, author
- Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826, former owner
- Thomas Jefferson Library Collection (Library of Congress)
- Pre-1801 Imprint Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- London : Printed for Henry Herringman, Thomas Bassett, at the George in Fleetstreet, William Crook, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, and William Cademan at the Pope's Head in the New Exchange, 1680[-1685]
- (from title pages) [Part 1]. From the beginning of the world till the monarchy of Constantine the Great ... -- The second part, containing the Roman empire from the monarchy of Constantine the Great to the taking of Rome by Odoacer king of the Heruli, and the erecting of a kingdom of barbarians in Italy ... -- Contemporary with the second part, containing that of the Roman Empire, its first countenancing and receiving Christian religion, from the conversion of Constantine the Great, to the fall of Augustulus, and the ruine of the Empire in the West ... -- The third part, containig that of the Constantinopolitan Roman Empire and the contemporaries with it, all distinctly by themselves, and yet linked together as the former parts were, from the taking of Rome by Odoacer, and the exile of Zeno the emperour, to the deposing of Irene and promotion of Nicephorus ... The fourth part, containing the original and kingdoms of the Heruli, Goths, Lombards, and Franks in Italy, the affairs of Britain, the original of the Saxons, Angles, and Jutes, their Heptarchy, the monarchy of the English Saxons, that of the Danes, with its end in restoring of the English Saxons line down to that of William the Norman, with the polity, customs, laws and language then in use : and also that of the Constantinopolitan Roman Empire, from the promotion of Nicephorus to the death of Constantine Ducax XII, A.D. MLXVII, being the year after the conquest of this nation by Duke William the Norman.
- - History, Ancient
- - England--London
- - Imprint varies: Part 2: Printed for Henry Herringman, Thomas Bassett, at the George in Fleetstreet, William Crook, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, and William Cademan at the Pope's Head in the New Exchange 1680; parts 3-4: Printed for the author's widdow by Miles Flesher, 1685.
- - Title pages printed in red and black.
- - The words "second edition with large additions" occur on t.p. of v. 1 only.
- - Sowerby, E. M. Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, 129
- - English Short Title Catalogue, R19637, R23475, R229122
- - Includes indexes.
- - LC copy forms part of the Jefferson Exhibit Collection.
- - LC copy is Thomas Jefferson's copy, with his initials at signatures I and T of each volume. Bound in 3 volumes.
- - LAC brd 2019-01-31 update (2 cards)
- 5 pts. ([12], 152, 177-264, 269-479, [1], 545-592, 591-850, 775-960, [32] p.; [16], 201, 206-313, 318-448, 473-727, [7] p.; [6], 121, 124-125, 128-208, [4], 518, [10] p.; [6], 464, [8] p.) ; 38 cm (fol.)
Call Number/Physical Location
- D57 .H85
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 03001233
Online Format
- image
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
IIIF Presentation Manifest
Part of
- Howell, William
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Pre- Imprint Collection (Library of Congress)
- Thomas Jefferson Library Collection (Library of Congress)