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Book/Printed Material The history of Persia. Containing, the lives and memorable action of its kings from the first erecting of that monarchy to this time

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  • The history of Persia. Containing, the lives and memorable action of its kings from the first erecting of that monarchy to this time; an exact description of all its dominions; a curious account of India, China, Tartary, Kermou, Arabia, Nixabur, and the islands of Ceylon and Timor; as also of all cities occasionally mention'd, as Schiras, Samarkand, Bokara, &c. Manners and customs of those people, Persian worshippers of fire; plants, beasts, product, and trade .. To which is added, an abridgment of the lives of the kings of Harmuz, or Ormuz. The Persian history written in Arabick, by Mirkoud, a famous Eastern author; that of Ormuz, by Torunxa, king of that island, both of them tr. into Spanish, by Antony Teixeira, who liv'd several years in Persia and India; and now render'd into English.


  • Captain John Stevens (died 1726) was a prolific translator and embellisher of Spanish and Portuguese works of history and literature who published this book in 1715. In his preface, Stevens explained: "Persia is at this time, and has been for several Ages, one of the Great Eastern Monarchies, and yet the Accounts we have hitherto had of it in English have been no better than Fragments." The book is a translation of a work in Spanish published in 1610 by Pedro Teixeira (erroneously identified by Stevens as Antony), a Portuguese traveler and writer about whom little is known. Some time after 1586 Teixeira traveled to Portuguese Goa in present-day India. From there he went to Persia, where he became proficient in Persian and acquired books and manuscripts on the history of the country. Teixeira's book consisted of a summary and translation of the Tārīkh-i rawz̤at al-ṣafā (History of the kings of Persia) by Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh (1433-98), a summarized translation of a Persian chronicle of the kings of Hurmuz, and an account of his own voyage from India to Italy in 1600-01. Stevens's work contained numerous errors and inaccuracies, but it played an important part in making Persia better known to 18th-century European and especially British readers. World Digital Library.


  • Teixeira, Pedro, approximately 1570-
  • Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh, 1433-1498.
  • Tūrān Shāh ibn Quṭb al-Dīn, -1378.
  • Stevens, John, -1726, tr.
  • Pre-1801 Imprint Collection (Library of Congress)

Created / Published

  • London, J. Brown, 1715.


  • -  Asia--Description and travel--Early works to 1800
  • -  Iran--Description and travel--Early works to 1800
  • -  Iran--History


  • -  A translation, with additions, of Pedro Teixeira's Relaciones .. d'el origen .. de los reyes de Persia, .. , first published in 1610, and itself compiled from the histories of Mı̄r Khwānd and Tūrān Shāh.
  • -  Pedro, not Antonio, Teixeira was the compiler of this work.--cf. Silva, Dicc. bibl. port., Hoefer, Nouv. biog. générale, and Brit. mus. Catalogue.
  • -  ESTC T92864
  • -  digital files not viewed; td12 2008-11-20


  • 8 p.l., 416 p. front. 20 cm.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • DS272 .T2

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 05006174

Online Format

  • image
  • pdf
  • online text

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Teixeira, Pedro, Approximately, Muḥammad Ibn Khāvandshāh Mīr Khvānd, -1378 Tūrān Shāh Ibn Quṭb Al-Dīn, John Stevens, and Pre-1801 Imprint Collection. The history of Persia. Containing, the lives and memorable action of its kings from the first erecting of that monarchy to this time; an exact description of all its dominions; a curious account of India, China, Tartary, Kermou, Arabia, Nixabur, and the islands of Ceylon and Timor; as also of all cities occasionally mention'd, as Schiras, Samarkand, Bokara, &c. Manners and customs of those people, Persian worshippers of fire; plants, beasts, product, and trade .. To which is added, an abridgment of the lives of the kings of Harmuz, or Ormuz. The Persian history written in Arabick, by Mirkoud, a famous Eastern author; that of Ormuz, by Torunxa, king of that island, both of them tr. into Spanish, by Antony Teixeira, who liv'd several years in Persia and India; and now render'd into English. London, J. Brown, 1715. Pdf.

APA citation style:

Teixeira, P., Mīr Khvānd, M. I. K., Tūrān Shāh Ibn Quṭb Al-Dīn, -., Stevens, J. & Pre-1801 Imprint Collection. (1715) The history of Persia. Containing, the lives and memorable action of its kings from the first erecting of that monarchy to this time; an exact description of all its dominions; a curious account of India, China, Tartary, Kermou, Arabia, Nixabur, and the islands of Ceylon and Timor; as also of all cities occasionally mention'd, as Schiras, Samarkand, Bokara, &c. Manners and customs of those people, Persian worshippers of fire; plants, beasts, product, and trade .. To which is added, an abridgment of the lives of the kings of Harmuz, or Ormuz. The Persian history written in Arabick, by Mirkoud, a famous Eastern author; that of Ormuz, by Torunxa, king of that island, both of them tr. into Spanish, by Antony Teixeira, who liv'd several years in Persia and India; and now render'd into English. London, J. Brown. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Teixeira, Pedro, Approximately, et al. The history of Persia. Containing, the lives and memorable action of its kings from the first erecting of that monarchy to this time; an exact description of all its dominions; a curious account of India, China, Tartary, Kermou, Arabia, Nixabur, and the islands of Ceylon and Timor; as also of all cities occasionally mention'd, as Schiras, Samarkand, Bokara, &c. Manners and customs of those people, Persian worshippers of fire; plants, beasts, product, and trade .. To which is added, an abridgment of the lives of the kings of Harmuz, or Ormuz. The Persian history written in Arabick, by Mirkoud, a famous Eastern author; that of Ormuz, by Torunxa, king of that island, both of them tr. into Spanish, by Antony Teixeira, who liv'd several years in Persia and India; and now render'd into English. London, J. Brown, 1715. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.