Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
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Chicago citation style:
Soyer, Alexis, Katherine Golden Bitting Collection On Gastronomy, and Elizabeth Robins Pennell Collection. Soyer's culinary campaign. Being historical reminiscences of the late war. With the plain wit of cookery for military and civil institutions the army, navy, public, etc. etc. London, New York, G. Routledge & Co, 1857. Pdf.
APA citation style:
Soyer, A., Katherine Golden Bitting Collection On Gastronomy & Elizabeth Robins Pennell Collection. (1857) Soyer's culinary campaign. Being historical reminiscences of the late war. With the plain wit of cookery for military and civil institutions the army, navy, public, etc. etc. London, New York, G. Routledge & Co. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Soyer, Alexis, Katherine Golden Bitting Collection On Gastronomy, and Elizabeth Robins Pennell Collection. Soyer's culinary campaign. Being historical reminiscences of the late war. With the plain wit of cookery for military and civil institutions the army, navy, public, etc. etc. London, New York, G. Routledge & Co, 1857. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.