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Chicago citation style:
Mauduit, Israel, Thomas Hutchinson, Andrew Oliver, Alexander Wedderburn Rosslyn, Henry Stevens, Great Britain. Privy Council, and Benjamin Franklin Collection. The letters of Governor Hutchinson, and Lieut. Governor Oliver, &c. printed at Boston and remarks thereon: with the Assembly's address and the proceedings of the Lords committee of council: together with the substance of Mr. Wedderburn's speech relating to those letters. London: Printed for J. Wilkie, 1774. Pdf.
APA citation style:
Mauduit, I., Hutchinson, T., Oliver, A., Rosslyn, A. W., Stevens, H., Great Britain. Privy Council & Benjamin Franklin Collection. (1774) The letters of Governor Hutchinson, and Lieut. Governor Oliver, &c. printed at Boston and remarks thereon: with the Assembly's address and the proceedings of the Lords committee of council: together with the substance of Mr. Wedderburn's speech relating to those letters. London: Printed for J. Wilkie. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Mauduit, Israel, et al. The letters of Governor Hutchinson, and Lieut. Governor Oliver, &c. printed at Boston and remarks thereon: with the Assembly's address and the proceedings of the Lords committee of council: together with the substance of Mr. Wedderburn's speech relating to those letters. London: Printed for J. Wilkie, 1774. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.