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Chicago citation style:
Hewett, James. An introduction to singing, or, The rudiments of music; to which is added a compleat set of practical lessons, together with a collection of the best and most useful psalm tunes, in all their parts, and several anthems by eminent masters. [London: Sold by the author, M.DCC.LXV, 1765] Notated Music.
APA citation style:
Hewett, J. (1765) An introduction to singing, or, The rudiments of music; to which is added a compleat set of practical lessons, together with a collection of the best and most useful psalm tunes, in all their parts, and several anthems by eminent masters. [London: Sold by the author, M.DCC.LXV] [Notated Music] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Hewett, James. An introduction to singing, or, The rudiments of music; to which is added a compleat set of practical lessons, together with a collection of the best and most useful psalm tunes, in all their parts, and several anthems by eminent masters. [London: Sold by the author, M.DCC.LXV, 1765] Notated Music. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.