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Chicago citation style:
Yuma County Commercial Club, Yuman, Ariz. Yuma and Yuma Valley, a true pictorial story of the most promising city and the most richly endowed section of the great Southwest. Yuma, Ariz., Yuma County commercial club, 1909. Pdf.
APA citation style:
Yuma County Commercial Club, Y. (1909) Yuma and Yuma Valley, a true pictorial story of the most promising city and the most richly endowed section of the great Southwest. Yuma, Ariz., Yuma County commercial club. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Yuma County Commercial Club, Yuman, Ariz. Yuma and Yuma Valley, a true pictorial story of the most promising city and the most richly endowed section of the great Southwest. Yuma, Ariz., Yuma County commercial club, 1909. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.