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Chicago citation style:
Douglass, Frederick, Metropolitan A.M.E. Church, and Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection. Address by Hon. Frederick Douglass, delivered in the Metropolitan A.M.E. Church, Washington, D.C., Tuesday, January 9th, on The lessons of the hour: in which he discusses the various aspects of the so-called, but mis-called, negro problem. Baltimore: Press of Thomas & Evans, 1894. Pdf.
APA citation style:
Douglass, F., Metropolitan A.M.E. Church & Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection. (1894) Address by Hon. Frederick Douglass, delivered in the Metropolitan A.M.E. Church, Washington, D.C., Tuesday, January 9th, on The lessons of the hour: in which he discusses the various aspects of the so-called, but mis-called, negro problem. Baltimore: Press of Thomas & Evans. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Douglass, Frederick, Metropolitan A.M.E. Church, and Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection. Address by Hon. Frederick Douglass, delivered in the Metropolitan A.M.E. Church, Washington, D.C., Tuesday, January 9th, on The lessons of the hour: in which he discusses the various aspects of the so-called, but mis-called, negro problem. Baltimore: Press of Thomas & Evans, 1894. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.