Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
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Chicago citation style:
Ullmann, Daniel, Soldiers' And Sailors' Union Of The State Of New York, Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection, and African American Pamphlet Collection. Address by Daniel Ullmann, LL.D., before the Soldier's and Sailor's Union of the State of New York, on the organization of colored troops and the regeneration of the South: delivered at Albany, February 5. Washington: Printed at the Great Republic Office, 1868. Pdf.
APA citation style:
Ullmann, D., Soldiers' And Sailors' Union Of The State Of New York, Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection & African American Pamphlet Collection. (1868) Address by Daniel Ullmann, LL.D., before the Soldier's and Sailor's Union of the State of New York, on the organization of colored troops and the regeneration of the South: delivered at Albany, February 5. Washington: Printed at the Great Republic Office. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Ullmann, Daniel, et al. Address by Daniel Ullmann, LL.D., before the Soldier's and Sailor's Union of the State of New York, on the organization of colored troops and the regeneration of the South: delivered at Albany, February 5. Washington: Printed at the Great Republic Office, 1868. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.