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Book/Printed Material A[stua]tsashunchʻ. Hnotsʻ ew Norotsʻ Ktakaranatsʻ ner parunakōgh sharakargutʻeamb nakhneatsʻn meroy ew chshmartasiratsʻ tʻargmanchʻatsʻ Atsuatsashunchʻ Hnotsʻ ew Norotsʻ Ktakaranatsʻ ner parunakōgh sharakargutʻeamb nakhneatsʻn meroy ew chshmartasiratsʻ tʻargmanchʻatsʻ

About this Item


  • A[stua]tsashunchʻ. Hnotsʻ ew Norotsʻ Ktakaranatsʻ ner parunakōgh sharakargutʻeamb nakhneatsʻn meroy ew chshmartasiratsʻ tʻargmanchʻatsʻ

Other Title

  • Atsuatsashunchʻ Hnotsʻ ew Norotsʻ Ktakaranatsʻ ner parunakōgh sharakargutʻeamb nakhneatsʻn meroy ew chshmartasiratsʻ tʻargmanchʻatsʻ


  • The Oskan Bible of 1666 is the first complete printed Bible in Armenian. It takes its name from Oskan Erewants'i (Oskan of Yerevan, 1614-74), an expatriate from Armenia who, with the help of wealthy Armenian patrons, founded an influential and important press in Amsterdam for the purpose of printing books in his native language. The books produced by the press were intended mainly for export to the Armenian communities in the Ottoman Empire and Iran. Oskan based the text of his Bible on a single manuscript copied in 1295 for King Het'um II of the Cilician Kingdom of Armenia (now preserved in the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, or Matenadaran, in Yerevan). Evidence provided by Oskan himself and examination of the work indicates that he also edited the text. The book consists of 1,462 double pages with 159 illustrations by the Dutch artist Christoffel van Sichem (1581-1658). Van Sichem's illustrations are signed with his initials "V.S." At the beginning of his edition, Oskan placed a eulogy in praise of Catholicos Hakob IV Jughayetsi (of New Julfa, 1598-1680). He also included the prefaces and introductions to the books of the Bible written by Saint Jerome, the translator of the Vulgate. At the end of the work is an extensive and detailed colophon addressed to the readers in which Oskan explains that he edited the Bible to bring the verses, chapters, and numberings in accord with the Western translations. World Digital Library.

Created / Published

  • HAmstērdam : Ner Tparanum Srboyn Ējmiatsni ew Surboyn Sargsi Zōravari, 1666.


  • -  "Isk zkni hramanaw vehapʻaṛin Teaṛn Hakōbay Hayotsʻ Katʻughikosi glkhakargeal ew tnateal ěst Daghmata/tsʻwotsʻn. na ew zhamadzaynutʻi. hanurtsʻ grotsʻ Atsashnchʻitsʻ. ěnd irears aṛěntʻer kargeal amenetsʻun. nuasti umemn bani Tn. spasawori. Oskani Erewanetsʻwoy."
  • -  LC copy does not have original binding.
  • -  Near East Cage.
  • -  Also available in digital form.
  • -  Housed box Library of Congress Conservation Division. Project ID 4450 2018 For treatment information, contact the Conservation Division. pda
  • -  Near East scanned


  • 628, 834 p. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 26 cm.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • BS95 1666

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2003550072

Online Format

  • pdf
  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

IIIF Presentation Manifest

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The Library of Congress believes that most of the materials in this collection are in the public domain or have no known copyright restrictions and are free to use and reuse.

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Library of Congress, African and Middle East Division, Near East Section Persian Manuscript Collection

Library of Congress, African and Middle Eastern Division, Armenian Rarities

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Astuatsashunchʻ. Hnotsʻ ew Norotsʻ Ktakaranatsʻ ner parunakōgh sharakargutʻeamb nakhneatsʻn meroy ew chshmartasiratsʻ tʻargmanchʻatsʻ. HAmstērdam: Ner Tparanum Srboyn Ējmiatsni ew Surboyn Sargsi Zōravari, 1666. Pdf.

APA citation style:

(1666) Astuatsashunchʻ. Hnotsʻ ew Norotsʻ Ktakaranatsʻ ner parunakōgh sharakargutʻeamb nakhneatsʻn meroy ew chshmartasiratsʻ tʻargmanchʻatsʻ. HAmstērdam: Ner Tparanum Srboyn Ējmiatsni ew Surboyn Sargsi Zōravari. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Astuatsashunchʻ. Hnotsʻ ew Norotsʻ Ktakaranatsʻ ner parunakōgh sharakargutʻeamb nakhneatsʻn meroy ew chshmartasiratsʻ tʻargmanchʻatsʻ. HAmstērdam: Ner Tparanum Srboyn Ējmiatsni ew Surboyn Sargsi Zōravari, 1666. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.