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Chicago citation style:
Reynolds, William C, and J. C Jones. Reynolds's political map of the United States, designed to exhibit the comparative area of the free and slave states and the territory open to slavery or freedom by the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. New York: Wm. C. Reynolds and J.C. Jones, 1856. Map.
APA citation style:
Reynolds, W. C. & Jones, J. C. (1856) Reynolds's political map of the United States, designed to exhibit the comparative area of the free and slave states and the territory open to slavery or freedom by the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. New York: Wm. C. Reynolds and J.C. Jones. [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Reynolds, William C, and J. C Jones. Reynolds's political map of the United States, designed to exhibit the comparative area of the free and slave states and the territory open to slavery or freedom by the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. New York: Wm. C. Reynolds and J.C. Jones, 1856. Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.