Photo, Print, Drawing Dem Führer des deutschen Reiches--Herrn Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler in inniger Dankbarkeit gewidmet / A. Fentz, Pg. Stuttgart, im Felde Reg.ts Photograph einer fliegenden Division. Scenes from the Western Front / Nie veröffentlichte Motive aus dem Westen
About this Item
- Dem Führer des deutschen Reiches--Herrn Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler in inniger Dankbarkeit gewidmet / A. Fentz, Pg. Stuttgart, im Felde Reg.ts Photograph einer fliegenden Division.
Other Title
- Scenes from the Western Front
- Nie veröffentlichte Motive aus dem Westen
- A presentation album to Adolf Hitler of 106 noncombat scenes of the Western Front, 1914-1918. Includes scenes of German camp and trench life, field burial and religious services, churches, ruins, anti-German tattoo on arm of French soldier, military cemeteries; various scenes in French villages and cities, destroyed buildings and churches in Wutschaete, Romagne-Verdun, St. Cobain and the Cathedral in Laon.
- Fentz, A., photographer
- Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945, DLC, former owner
- Third Reich Collection (Library of Congress) DLC
Created / Published
- [ca. 1920]
- - World War, 1914-1918--Pictorial works
- - World War, 1914-1918--Destruction & pillage--France
- - Soldiers--German--1910-1920
- Photograph albums--1920-1930.
- Photographic prints--1920-1930.
- Presentation albums--1920-1930.
- Presentation albums--1920-1930
- Photographic prints--1920-1930
- Photograph albums--1920-1930
- - "Nie veröffentlicher Motive aus dem Westen!".
- - Gassert & Mattern. Hitler library, 246
- - Gassert & Mattern cite title as: Scenes from the Western Front.
- - Transfer; Rare Book Division (Hitler Collection); 1973.
- - LC copy had shelf number X-e-4.
- - Exhibited: "War/Photography : Photographs of Armed Conflict and its Aftermath" at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, 2012-2013 ; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 2013.
- 1 album (106 photographic prints) ; 34 x 45 cm. (album)
Call Number/Physical Location
- LOT 11431 (H) [P&P]
- Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id
- ppmsca 32986
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2004676984
Reproduction Number
- LC-DIG-ppmsca-32986 (digital file from original item)
Rights Advisory
- Rights status of individual images not evaluated. For general information see "Copyright and Other Restrictions..." (
Online Format
- image
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
Part of
- Fentz, A.
- Hitler, Adolf
- Hitler, Adolf,, Dlc
- Third Reich Collection (Library of Congress)
- Third Reich Collection (Library of Congress) Dlc