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Chicago citation style:
Wells, James L, and Morris & Steele. Auction sale to close estate of Mary P. Chrystie, dec'd, 23 building plots, also Harlem River water front, near Morris Heights stations, N.Y. Central and N.Y. & Northern railroads: Wednesday, November 22d, at 12 o'clock noon at no. 111 Broadway, New York Real Estate salesroom: by order of Morris & Steele, attorneys ... New York City. New York: Morris & Steele, 1893. Map.
APA citation style:
Wells, J. L. & Morris & Steele. (1893) Auction sale to close estate of Mary P. Chrystie, dec'd, 23 building plots, also Harlem River water front, near Morris Heights stations, N.Y. Central and N.Y. & Northern railroads: Wednesday, November 22d, at 12 o'clock noon at no. 111 Broadway, New York Real Estate salesroom: by order of Morris & Steele, attorneys ... New York City. New York: Morris & Steele. [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Wells, James L, and Morris & Steele. Auction sale to close estate of Mary P. Chrystie, dec'd, 23 building plots, also Harlem River water front, near Morris Heights stations, N.Y. Central and N.Y. & Northern railroads: Wednesday, November 22d, at 12 o'clock noon at no. 111 Broadway, New York Real Estate salesroom: by order of Morris & Steele, attorneys ... New York City. New York: Morris & Steele, 1893. Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.