Manuscript/Mixed Material Qāḍīʹzādah ʻalá al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah قاضي زادة على الملخص في الهيئة
About this Item
- Qāḍīʹzādah ʻalá al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah
Other Title
- قاضي زادة على الملخص في الهيئة
- A commentary on al-Jighmīnī's book on astronomy, al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah.
- The author of this commentary, Ṣalāh al-Din Musa ibn Muḥammad, also known as Qādī Zāda (the son of the judge), was born in Bursa (present-day Turkey) in 1364 and died in Samarkand (present-day Uzbekistan) in 1436. His first teacher, al-Fanāri, suggested that he move to the scientific centers of the time, Herat in Khorasan (present-day Afghanistan) or Bukhara or Samarkand in Transoxiana, in order to develop his extraordinary ability in the mathematical and astronomical sciences. Following this advice, Qāḍī Zāda presented himself to the Samarkand court of the very promising Ulugh Beg (1394-1449), who was just 17 years old at the time. Ulugh Beg became Qāḍī Zāda's most talented pupil and assured him the funds for a life of study in Samarkand. Combining research in local facilities (including the famous Ulugh Beg Observatory built in the 1420s) with his educational activity, Qāḍī Zāda wrote a number of commentaries on works of mathematics and astronomy, including the one preserved in this manuscript. Most likely intended as a didactic work, this treatise is an extensive commentary on an astronomical textbook by Šaraf al-Dīn Mahmūd ibn Muhammad ibn 'Umar al-Jaġmīnī, Mulahhas fī al-Hay'a Al-Basīta (The compendium of plain astronomy). Qāḍī Zāda's commentary, though widely expanding on the contents of the Mulahhas, tends to follow its structure, dealing with the configuration of the celestial and terrestrial worlds and the divisions of the created bodies, the celestial orbs, and the Earth. The manuscript is enriched by many marginal notes written in different hands, reflecting the high scientific and educational value attributed to Qāḍī Zāda's commentary after his death. World Digital Library.
- Qāḍīʹzādah, Mūsá ibn Muḥammad, -approximately 1436
- ʻAbd, Muḥammad Riḍā, former owner
- Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd al-Imām, former owner
- Salīm, Muḥammad former owner
- Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- [16--?]
- Poem in Arabic on fol. 1a, followed by 3 leaves of commentaries; 3 other leaves of notes between fol. 14 and 15.
- - Jighmīnī, Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad,---1221?--Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah
- - Astronomy, Arab--Early works to 1800
- - Manuscripts, Arabic--Washington (D.C.)
- - Binding is loose.
- - Fol. 1a-132b.
- - Illustrations.
- - Library of Congress. Mansuri Collection, 5-751.
- - Ms.
- - Nastaʻliq script; 12 lines in written area, 13 x 7 cm.
- - Ownership stamp of Muḥammad Sālim and Muḥammad Riḍā al-ʻAbd (?) dated 1085 H [1674] which are both partially illegible and a third illegible ownership stamp on fol. 4a. Stamp of endowment Waqf Jahardah [?] Maʻṣūm on fol. 132b.
- - Paper: tan paper, no visible watermarks, in moderate condition and loose from the spine: some leaves repaired and dark stains on first leaves. Text written in different hands; in black ink with rubricated headings. Extensive marginal notes in several hands; text partially underlined in red. Catchwords on rectos.
- - Title from fol. 1a, added later.
- - Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress website.
- - Arabic, Persian poem on fol. 4a.
- - Purchase of Mahmud al-Mansuri collection, 1945.
- - Incipit: بسم الله الركمن الرحيم الحمد لله الذي جعل الشمس ضيئا و القمر نورا و بسط على بساط البسيط ظلا . . .
- 132 leaves (12 lines), bound : paper, ill. ; 20 x 13 cm.
Call Number/Physical Location
- QB23 .J5437 1600z
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2008401029
Online Format
- image
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
IIIF Presentation Manifest
Part of
- Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress)
- Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
- Qāḍīʹzādah, Mūsá Ibn Muḥammad
- Salīm, Muḥammad
- ʻabd, Muḥammad Riḍā