Photo, Print, Drawing [Said Alice: "When they weary, won't the bitter battle cease?"]
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About this Item
- [Said Alice: "When they weary, won't the bitter battle cease?"]
- "Alice Public" holds hands with Humpty Dumpty, dressed as Uncle Sam, who is seated atop a stone wall. Both look at the battle raging on the ground.
- Duncan, Gregor, artist
Created / Published
- 1936 Nov. [publication date]
- - Carroll, Lewis,--1832-1898.--Alice's adventures in Wonderland
- - Humpty Dumpty (Fictitious character)--1930-1940
- - Uncle Sam (Symbolic character)--1930-1940
- - Fighting--1930-1940
- - Nursery rhymes--1930-1940
- - Presidential elections--United States--1930-1940
- Drawings--American--Color--1930-1940.
- Editorial cartoons--American--1930-1940.
- Periodical illustrations--American--1930-1940.
- Drawings--American--Color--1930-1940
- Editorial cartoons--American--1930-1940
- Periodical illustrations--American--1930-1940
- - No copyright information found with item.
- - Published caption continues: Her uncle said, "My dear, I fear they'll never sue for peace."
- - See SWANN - no. 971 (B size) and SWANN - no. 972 (B size) for other images from the same series.
- - Signed, lower right: Gregor Duncan.
- - Title from Life.
- - Bequest and gift; Caroline and Erwin Swann; 1974; (DLC/PP-1974:232.182)
- - The drawing, published shortly before election day, 1936, is the last in Duncan's Alice in Wonderland parody. The image illustrates the poem "Uncle Humpty Dumpty," which describes the battle for the presidency, fought by the "Democratic Musketeers" and the "Republican Old-Guardsmen Knights."
- - Forms part of: Caroline and Erwin Swann collection of caricature and cartoon (Library of Congress).
- - Published in: Life, November, 1936.
- - Exhibited: Cartoonists Guild, "The Art in Cartooning," 1975; Library of Congress, "They Made Them Laugh and Wince and Worry," 1977-82.
- 1 drawing : India ink over pencil, with watercolor, and opaque white on illustration board ; 35.0 x 25.8 cm. (sheet)
Call Number/Physical Location
- SWANN - no. 970 (B size) [P&P]
Source Collection
- Caroline and Erwin Swann collection of caricature & cartoon (Library of Congress)
- Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id
- cph 3b52905 //
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2009616614
Reproduction Number
- LC-USZC4-1401 (color film copy transparency)
Rights Advisory
- Publication may be restricted. For information see "Caroline and Erwin Swann Collection ...,"
Online Format
- image