Photo, Print, Drawing "Is this recovery?"
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About this Item
- "Is this recovery?"
- The image shows Uncle Sam struggling to open a metal encased door over which hangs a sign that reads, "The Way Out of the Depression." A husky worker tagged "Ill-Advised Labor," leans against the other side of the door.
- Pease, Lute, 1869-1963, artist
Created / Published
- 1934 July 18 [publication date]
- - New Deal, 1933-1939
- - Uncle Sam (Symbolic character)--1930-1940
- - Depressions--United States--1930-1940
- - Labor unions--United States--1930-1940
- Drawings--American--1930-1940.
- Editorial cartoons--American--1930-1940.
- Periodical illustrations--American--1930-1940.
- Drawings--American--1930-1940
- Editorial cartoons--American--1930-1940
- Periodical illustrations--American--1930-1940
- - No copyright information found with item.
- - Signed, lower left: Lute Pease.
- - Title inscribed above image.
- - Bequest and gift; Caroline and Erwin Swann; 1977; (DLC/PP-1977:215.85)
- - President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in an attempt to reverse the effects of a severe economic depression, worked to enact his New Deal programs, designed to "promote industrial recovery" and reinstate economic prosperity. Among the most significant legislation, was the National Recovery Act (NRA), which insured, among other things that, "Employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively...," a significant vote of support for the rights of the labor force. As a result, union membership grew and strengthened, and in 1934 alone, some 1.5 million workers struck some of the country's major industries. Pease's cartoon, published at the time of the historic San Francisco General Strike, and a day after the Minnesota truckers went on strike and the Alabama textile industry was scheduled to act in kind, questions whether this is the way to achieve economic recovery.
- - Forms part of: Caroline and Erwin Swann collection of caricature and cartoon (Library of Congress).
- - Published in: Newark Evening News, July 18, 1934.
- 1 drawing : India ink over pencil, with black crayon on off-white grained drawing stock ; 37 x 29 cm. (sheet)
Call Number/Physical Location
- SWANN - no. 617 (A size) [P&P]
Source Collection
- Caroline and Erwin Swann collection of caricature & cartoon (Library of Congress)
- Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id
- cph 3b30817 //
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2009617137
Reproduction Number
- LC-USZ62-84246 (b&w film copy neg.)
Rights Advisory
- Publication may be restricted. For information see "Caroline and Erwin Swann Collection ...,"
Online Format
- image