Photo, Print, Drawing "I have made it perfectly clear ... That I cannot tell a lie"
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About this Item
- "I have made it perfectly clear ... That I cannot tell a lie"
- A bust-length caricature of Nixon in the guise of first President George Washington.
- Szep, Paul Michael, 1941-, artist
Created / Published
- 1973 Aug. 16 [publication date]
- - Nixon, Richard M.--(Richard Milhous),--1913-1994
- - Watergate Affair, 1972-1974
- - Honesty--1970-1980
- Caricatures--American--1970-1980.
- Periodical illustrations--American--1970-1980.
- Prints--American--1970-1980.
- Caricatures--American--1970-1980
- Periodical illustrations--American--1970-1980
- Prints--American--1970-1980
- - No copyright information found with item.
- - Printed on overlay lower right: The Boston Globe.
- - Published caption reads: I have made it perfectly clear...I cannot tell a lie.
- - Signed, lower right: Szep.
- - Title printed on overlay below image.
- - Bequest and gift; Caroline and Erwin Swann; 1977; (DLC/PP-1977:215.97)
- - On August 15, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon made a televised statement reasserting his innocence in the Watergate break-ins and cover-ups. He tried to convince the American people that they were obsessed with Watergate and that it was now the time to move on to more important issues. He also asserted that, "It would be neither possible to provide nor appropriate to attempt a definitive account of all that took place." Reaction to his statement was generally negative because many people saw it as a repeat of speeches he had previously given. The cartoon parodies the cherry tree story from Mason Weems' The Life of George Washington, cited by the author as a compelling example of Washington's honesty.
- - Forms part of: Caroline and Erwin Swann collection of caricature and cartoon (Library of Congress).
- - Published in: The Boston Globe, August 16, 1973.
- - Exhibited: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, "The Image of America in Caricature & Cartoon," 1976.
- 1 print : lithograph on off-white wove paper ; 48.4 x 38.1 cm. (sheet)
Call Number/Physical Location
- SWANN - no. 1364 (B size) [P&P]
Source Collection
- Caroline and Erwin Swann collection of caricature & cartoon (Library of Congress)
- Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id
- cph 3b29583 //
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2009617436
Reproduction Number
- LC-USZ62-82940 (b&w film copy neg.)
Rights Advisory
- Publication may be restricted. For information see "Caroline and Erwin Swann Collection ...,"
Online Format
- image