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Photo, Print, Drawing [Prometheus unbound; or, science in Olympus]

[ digital file from b&w film copy neg. ]

About this Item


  • [Prometheus unbound; or, science in Olympus]


  • The following description traces the figures clockwise from upper left. Vulcan, the god of fire and the forging of metals, and several cyclops watch in amazement as a modern man demonstrates a power press. Next, the messenger Mercury, wearing a winged helmet and holding a caduceus, rides a velocipede while listening into the receiver of a telephone. He is followed by the supreme deity Jupiter, who appears with his wife Juno. Covering her eyes, she seems to swoon. Beside her stands a peacock, the bird she adorned with the eyes of Argus. Jupiter holds a thunderbolt with his arm outstretched, while cradling a sceptre and "Gas Shares" in his other arm. He looks in amazement at Punch, who holds a scroll labeled "Science" and a ball of light marked "Electric," while sitting atop the shoulders of two muscular male figures identified as "Force" and "Strength." Behind them stands a vulture with a bag of chloroform tied to his neck, and a frowning Hercules, god of physical strength, holding a club and the skin of the Nemean lion. Next to Hercules, a stunned Roman warrior observes a pair of modern cannoneers. A satyr and Bacchus, god of wine, are drinking tea, served by a tavern hostess carrying teapots. Two men holding sheets entitled "Music of the Future" and "Poetry of the Future," are looking toward an indignant ancient poet, carrying a harp. Before them, a youth in a uniform and cap talks into a telephone. Moving back to the left, a ballerina bows behind Venus, who poses before a camera while a modern beauty watches. Next to Venus, Cupid gestures at the camera, which is operated by a winged figure of Father Time. A student follows, carrying a school board, while two women in academic garb carry papers. One reads, "Lecture / Ovisuction." Next in sequence, Athena, goddess of war, appears near a torpedo with amphibious legs and webbed feet, as a deep sea diver bends over from the weight of his heavy helmet. A modern boatsman, British river explorer Paul Boyton, holding a double-sided oar, follows behind a bearded Neptune, god of the sea, grasping his trident. Ahead of him, covering her eyes, a sea nuymph hurries away with a small boy nymph.


  • Tenniel, John, 1820-1914, artist

Created / Published

  • 1879.


  • -  Inventions--1870-1880
  • -  Progress--1870-1880
  • -  Supernatural beings--1870-1880


  • Allegorical drawings--British--1870-1880.
  • Cartoons (Commentary)--British--1870-1880.
  • Drawings--British--1870-1880.
  • Periodical illustrations--British--1870-1880.


  • Allegorical drawings--British--1870-1880
  • Cartoons (Commentary)--British--1870-1880
  • Drawings--British--1870-1880
  • Periodical illustrations--British--1870-1880


  • -  No copyright information found with item.
  • -  Signed, lower left: JT monogram.
  • -  Title from Punch's almanack.
  • -  Bequest and gift; Caroline and Erwin Swann; 1974; (DLC/PP-1974:232.1475)
  • -  In this complex allegory, Tenniel stages the reaction of several mythological and allegorical figures to the technological achievements of man. The Prometheus in the title refers to the Titan granted the power of making men out of mud and water, long associated with the human creative spirit.
  • -  Published in: Punch's Almanack, 1879.


  • 1 drawing : black and brown inks over pencil on white wove paper, mounted on drawing board ; 30.0 x 52.8 cm. (sheet), 46.8 x 69.7 cm. (mount)

Call Number/Physical Location

  • SWANN - no. 1683 (C size) [P&P]

Source Collection

  • Caroline and Erwin Swann collection of caricature & cartoon (Library of Congress)


Digital Id

  • cph 3b40972 //

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2009617455

Reproduction Number

  • LC-USZ62-94804 (b&w film copy neg.)

Rights Advisory

  • No known restrictions on publication. No renewal in Copyright Office.

Online Format

  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

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  • Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication. No renewal in Copyright Office.
  • Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-94804 (b&w film copy neg.)
  • Call Number: SWANN - no. 1683 (C size) [P&P]
  • Access Advisory: ---

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Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Tenniel, John, Artist. Prometheus unbound; or, science in Olympus. , 1879. Photograph.

APA citation style:

Tenniel, J. (1879) Prometheus unbound; or, science in Olympus. , 1879. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Tenniel, John, Artist. Prometheus unbound; or, science in Olympus. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.