Book/Printed Material Yu zhi bi shu shan zhuang san shi liu jing shi : er juan 御製避暑山莊三十六景詩 : 二卷
About this Item
- Yu zhi bi shu shan zhuang san shi liu jing shi : er juan
Other Title
- 御製避暑山莊三十六景詩 : 二卷
- Bi shu shan zhuang is China's largest imperial palace garden. Situated in Rehe (present-day Chengde, Hebei province) in a river valley bordered by mountains on the west, north, and east, the villa consists of palace halls, lakes, plains, and mountains. Construction of the complex spanned many years, beginning in 1703 under Emperor Kangxi (1654-1722). On the occasion of the completion of the main palace complex in 1711, Kangxi bestowed the title of Bi shu shan zhuang (Summer Mountain Villa) on the villa and selected 36 scenic spots and composed a poem for each spot. This work contains the emperor's poems, with exquisite illustrations executed by the court painter Shen Yu. The work was issued in the 51st year (1712) of Kangxi's reign, with annotations by Kuixi, Li Tingyi, and others by command of the emperor. It also includes a preface by the emperor. Kangxi and subsequent Qing emperors spent much of the year at Bi shu shan zhuang. Kangxi, who ascended to the throne in 1662 at the age of seven and reigned for 61 years until his death in 1722, is considered one of China's greatest and longest-reigning emperors. In 1994, the Summer Mountain Villa was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. World Digital Library.
- Bi shu shan zhuang Palace in Rehe is famous for its pleasant climate and splendid landscape. Emperor Kangxi enjoyed his summer time in the palace every year. There he wrote poems concerning thirty-six extraordinary scenes therein. This collection was annotated by Kuixu, Li Tingyi and others upon the imperial order and prefaced by Emperor Kangxi himself in 1712.
- Kangxi, Emperor of China, 1654-1722
- Kui, Xu, zhu
- Li, Tingyi, 1669-1732, zhu
- Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- [China : s.n.], Qing Kangxi 51 nian [1712]
- - In case.
- - Also available in digital form.
- - 七行十八字 Seven lines, with eighteen characters per line.
- - 清康熙五十一年寫刻本。朱墨套印本. Qing Dynasty woodblock print with handwriting style in chromatograph edition with black and red ink, dated 1712.
- - 清聖祖撰,揆敘勵廷儀等注,沈喻繪,朱圭梅裕鳳鐫,按熱河避暑山莊,形勢雄偉,清聖祖每至盛暑,駐蹕於此,擇其三十六景,發為詩歌,康熙五十一年揆敘勵廷儀等奉命恭注。御製(序)康熙五十年.
- 2 v. : ill.
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2012402089
Online Format
- image