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Book/Printed Material Ben cao gang mu : wu shi er juan, tu san juan, Bin Hu mo xue yi juan, qi jing ba mo zi yi juan 本草綱目 : 五十二卷, 圖三卷, 瀕湖脉學一卷, 奇經八脉攷一卷 /

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About this Item


  • Ben cao gang mu : wu shi er juan, tu san juan, Bin Hu mo xue yi juan, qi jing ba mo zi yi juan

Other Title

  • 本草綱目 : 五十二卷, 圖三卷, 瀕湖脉學一卷, 奇經八脉攷一卷 /

Translated Title

  • 本草綱目 : 五十二卷, 圖三卷, 瀕湖脉學一卷, 奇經八脉攷一卷 /


  • Li, Shizhen, 1518-1593.
  • Wu, Xi, 1710- , xu.
  • Wu, Yuchang, active 18th century-19th century, xu.
  • Qian, Weiqi, active 1640, xiao yin.
  • Li, Jianyuan, 1544- , shu.
  • Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress).

Created / Published

  • [China : s.n.], Qing Qianlong jia chen nian [49 nian, 1784]


  • -  Zi bu--Yi jia lei
  • -  子部--醫家類


  • -  五十二冊四函. Fifty-two volumes in four cases.
  • -  清乾隆四十九年書業堂刻本 四周單邊 白口 黑單魚尾 版匡高21.2寬14.1公分 全書高24.7寬16.1公分 黃紙.
  • -  九行二十字. Nine characters, with twenty characters per line.
  • -  入藏年日不詳,書名葉有朱印題"上海二馬路,千頃堂内玉山房發兌書籍",應購自上海.
  • -  書名葉正中題"本草綱目",右題"李時珍先生原本,萬方針線並刻",左題"蘇郡後學張雲中重訂、張青萬仝參,書業堂鐫藏",匡上眉題"乾隆甲辰年(四十九年,1784)冬鐫"。正文卷端題"本草綱目序例第一卷上",下署"蘄陽李時珍東璧父編輯,蘇郡張鶴翥雲中較訂,弟鷟翼青萬同參"。正文前有順治乙未(1655) 吳太冲序,順治乙未吳毓昌序,崇禎庚辰(1640)錢蔚起小引,萬曆二十四年(1596)李建元疏,凡例,總目,圖三卷。卷末有"考證諸書目",《瀕湖脈學》一卷,《奇經八脈考》一卷。卷後附蔡烈先《本草萬方鍼線》八卷,《本草藥品總目》一卷。此本與上本順治十二年錢塘吳毓昌刻本極近,應據以所刻.


  • 52 v.

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2012402613

Online Format

  • image

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The Library of Congress obtained permission to make these collection materials available online for educational and research purposes through a collaboration with the National Central Library of Taiwan. However, these rights do not extend to third party uses.

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Credit Line: Library of Congress, Asian Division, Chinese Rare Books.

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Li, Shizhen, XI Wu, Yuchang Wu, Weiqi Qian, Jianyuan LI, and Chinese Rare Book Collection. Ben cao gang mu: wu shi er juan, tu san juan, Bin Hu mo xue yi juan, qi jing ba mo zi yi juan. [China: s.n., Qing Qianlong jia chen nian 49 nian, 1784] Image.

APA citation style:

LI, S., Wu, X., Wu, Y., Qian, W., LI, J. & Chinese Rare Book Collection. (1784) Ben cao gang mu: wu shi er juan, tu san juan, Bin Hu mo xue yi juan, qi jing ba mo zi yi juan. [China: s.n., Qing Qianlong jia chen nian 49 nian] [Image] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Li, Shizhen, et al. Ben cao gang mu: wu shi er juan, tu san juan, Bin Hu mo xue yi juan, qi jing ba mo zi yi juan. [China: s.n., Qing Qianlong jia chen nian 49 nian, 1784] Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.