Book/Printed Material Regula [quod] ad instar no[n] preiudicet familiaribus descriptis cu[m] decreto q[u]o efficaciores clausule nemini suffragentur. Regula ad instar no preiudicet familiaribus descriptis cu decreto qo efficaciores clausule nemini suffragentur
About this Item
- Regula [quod] ad instar no[n] preiudicet familiaribus descriptis cu[m] decreto q[u]o efficaciores clausule nemini suffragentur.
Other Title
- Regula ad instar no preiudicet familiaribus descriptis cu decreto qo efficaciores clausule nemini suffragentur
- Catholic Church. Cancellaria Apostolica.
- Guldinbeck, Bartholomaeus, active 1475-1488, printer.
- Catholic Church. Pope (1484-1492 : Innocent VIII)
- Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- [Rome, Italy : Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck, after 21 Feb. 1488]
- - Catholic Church.--Cancellaria Apostolica
- - Italy--Rome
- Incunabula--Italy--Rome--1488
- - Title from caption.
- - Goff describes this as the third (of 3) works in a possible "... composite edition made up of several works ... issued together and also separately ...". Cf. Goff I-151.
- - May be an earlier printing of GW M12419; the first leaf as described appears to match, but the 2nd leaf is blank in this copy; the impression of uninked type can be seen on the blank, as described in GW M1242010.
- - Colophon: Lecta et publicata fuit suprascripta regula Rome in Cancellaria apostolica die Iouis xxi me[n]sis Februarij Anno domini Mcccclxxxviii Pontificatus Sanctissimi domini nostri domini Innocentij diuina prouidentia pape viii Anno eius Quarto.
- - Reichling attributes the printing of this work to Stephen Plannck; Goff to Guldinbeck.
- - Signatures: [1]² (leaf 2 blank).
- - Goff I-151 (3rd work)
- - Reichling (not Hain) 9223 (2nd work)
- - Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) ii00151000 (3rd work)
- - With: Catholic Church. Cancellaria Apostolica. Regule ordi[n]atio[n]es & co[n]stitutio[n]es Cancellarie Sanctissimi domini nostri domini Innocentij diuina p[ro]uidentia pape viii scripte [et] correcte in Cancellaria apostolica. [Rome, Italy : Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck, after 3 Apr. 1487]. Possibly issued together.
- [4] p. ; 21 cm. (4to)
Call Number/Physical Location
- BX1872 .C38 1487
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2012663408
Online Format
- image
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
IIIF Presentation Manifest
Part of
- Catholic Church. Cancellaria Apostolica
- Catholic Church. Pope ( : Innocent VIII)
- Guldinbeck, Bartholomaeus
- Otto Vollbehr Collection (Library of Congress)