Book/Printed Material Yi qie ru lai xin mi mi quan shen she lie bao qie yin tuo luo ni jing : can juan 一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經 : 殘卷 / Title on label on case: Thunder Peak Pagoda / Title on label on case: Yi qie ru lai jing : Bei Song chu ke ben : Lei feng ta chu tu can juan / 一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印[tuo]羅尼經 : 殘卷 / Thunder Peak Pagoda / Yi qie ru lai jing :
About this Item
- Yi qie ru lai xin mi mi quan shen she lie bao qie yin tuo luo ni jing : can juan
Other Title
- 一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經 : 殘卷
- Title on label on case: Thunder Peak Pagoda
- Title on label on case: Yi qie ru lai jing : Bei Song chu ke ben : Lei feng ta chu tu can juan
- 一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印[tuo]羅尼經 : 殘卷
- Thunder Peak Pagoda
- Yi qie ru lai jing :
- Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- [China : publisher not identified, Bei Song Kaibao 8 nian, 975]
- - Zi bu--Shi jia lei
- - 子部--釋家類
- - Labels inside case reads: The oldest Chinese printed work in the Library of Congress. This specimen, dated 975 A.D., is the earliest example of Chinese printing in the Library of Congress. It is a Buddhist invocation sutra recovered from the foundations of the famous Lei-feng-t'a (Thunder Peak Pagoda), which for nearly 1,000 years stood on the banks of West Lake in Hangcho but which collapsed on September 25, 1924. A number of Buddhist sutras had been placed in hollow bricks when the pagoda was erected during the reign of Ch'ien Shu (929-88 A.D.) prince of the Kingdom of Wu-yüeh. The printing of 84,000 rolls of this sutra, which contained about 3,000 characters, was ordered, and the rolls were placed in holes bored in the bricks used to erect a seven-story pagoda named Lei feng t'a (Thunder Peak Pagoda) at West Lake in Hangchow, Chekiang, in honor of the consort of Ch'ien Shu. For 950 years this pagoda stood in the banks of the famous lake. When it suddenly collapsed in a thunder-storm on September 25, 1924, a number of the rolls came to light, but with the ravages of time, most of them disintegrated when exposed. The Chekiang Museum has a comparatively perfect specimen containing the frontispiece. The Library of Congress has a mutilated copy of this sutra with the frontispiece missing. Originals in varying degrees of completeness are also found in the British Museum, Harvard-Yenching Library, the University of Chicago, and other collections in China and Japan.
- - 一捲一木匣. One scroll in wooden box.
- - 北宋開寶八年刻本 一捲一木匣 三百四十二行,6 feet長 2 1/2 inch寬. Three hundred forty-two lines.
- - Labels on case read: Thunder Peak Pagoda. 一切如來經 (北宋初刻本) (雷峰塔出土殘卷).
- - 是經雷峰塔所出,經卷破裂,僅存上截,從三四字至八九字不等。都二百五十斷行。有談國桓跋云:此一切如來心秘密全身舍利寶篋印[tuo]羅尼經也宋時天下兵馬大元帥吳越國王錢俶造此經八萬四千卷捨入西關磚塔永久供養即雷峰塔所藏者是也塔傾經現敬閱一過福緣不淺佛曆二千九百五十二年歲次乙丑十二月十五日談國桓為藍爾先生題.
- - 據1936年《Report of the Librarian of Congress》載, 此經為1924年9月25日下午,杭州西湖畔之雷峰塔倒塌所出。此本為浙江省省長夏潮(譯音)送美國人,轉贈國會圖書館。共342行,6 feet長,2 1/2 inch寬。談國桓為藍爾先生題跋是應張學良之請而書,藍爾為美國人. DLC
- - 美國國會圖書館此卷殘損甚多。又芝加哥大學遠東圖書館也藏一卷,乃得之於香港,然非原刻,當為民國間書賈重刻。津二十餘年前,所見《藏經》百餘卷,北宋所刻僅兩卷而已,餘皆為重刻售於善男信女者,其中多染色充舊,以欺瞞藏家. DLC
- 1 scroll : illustration
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2014514223
Online Format
- image