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Photo, Print, Drawing Slachterij der hochkultur Slaughterhouse of high culture

[ digital file from original ]

About this Item


  • Slachterij der hochkultur

Other Title

  • Slaughterhouse of high culture


  • Poster shows caricatures of Woodrow Wilson speaking to Emperor Wilhelm who is dressed as a butcher in a stall offering meats for sale. Behind, hanging on hooks like sausages, are ships including the "Arabic" the "Lusitania" and the "Sussex;" a partial female human torso is on the closest hook the viewer. Wilson leans over the counter holding a sheet of paper "USA" at the top while his hand rests on the handle of a partially concealed [gun?] in his back pocket. The price list under the counter offers "Specialiteit" [specialties] including "Gerochter Belgisch, Rib a la Cavell, Servischer Tong, Zeppelin Gehak, Ubooten Spek" [Smoked Belgian, Cavell style ribs, Serbian tongue, Zeppelin ground meat and Submarine bacon]. Additional image dialogue caption reads: "Wilhelm: Alweer een nota? Wilson: Nee, nou een kwitantie, en straks, als je niet oppast, de sterke arm!" [Wilhelm says: Another note? Wilson answers: No, well a receipt , and soon, if you're not careful, the strong arm]. The SS Arabic was sunk by German torpedo off the coast of Ireland on August 19, 1915 on its way from Kinsale bound for the United States; The RMS Lusitania on voyage from New York was sunk by German submarine on May 7, 1915 off the coast of Ireland; on March 24, 1916, the SS Sussex was torpedoed by a German submarine on route from Folkestone, England to Dieppe, France. Each torpedo attack killed or injured many civilians of many nationalities. British nurse Edith Cavell was executed by a German firing squad in Brussels, Belgium on October 12, 1915.


  • Sluijters, Jan, 1881-1957, artist
  • Wiessing, H. P. L. (Henri Pierre Leonard), 1878-1961, editor

Created / Published

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands : De Nieuwe Amsterdammer, 1916.


  • -  Wilson, Woodrow,--1856-1924--Caricatures and cartoons
  • -  William--II,--German Emperor,--1859-1941--Caricatures and cartoons
  • -  Cavell, Edith,--1865-1915--Caricatures and cartoons
  • -  World War, 1914-1918--Atrocities--Germany
  • -  Caricatures and cartoons--Netherlands--Specimens
  • -  Butchers--1910-1920


  • Cartoons (Commentary)--1910-1920.
  • Lithographs--Dutch--Color--1910-1920.
  • Posters--Dutch--1910-1920.


  • Cartoons (Commentary)--1910-1920
  • Lithographs--Dutch--Color--1910-1920
  • Posters--Dutch--1910-1920


  • -  Title from item.
  • -  In Dutch.
  • -  Insert (Bijvoegsel van De Nieuwe Amsterdammer, no. 70) in the April 29, 1916 issue of De Nieuwe Amsterdammer, edited by H.P.L. Wiessing.
  • -  Forms part of the De Nieuwe Amsterdammer cartoon posters collection (Library of Congress)
  • -  Purchase; Peter van Amelsfoort; 2014; (DLC/PP-2014:090).
  • -  Vendor : Peter van Amelsfoort.
  • -  LC copy formerly marked: LOT 15013, no. 70


  • 1 print : color lithograph ; sheet 48 x 32 cm (poster format)

Call Number/Physical Location

  • LOT 14116, no. 70 [P&P]


Digital Id

  • ds 09933 //

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2014649173

Reproduction Number

  • LC-DIG-ds-09933 (digital file from original)

Rights Advisory

  • No known restrictions on publication.

Online Format

  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

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  • Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication.
  • Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-ds-09933 (digital file from original)
  • Call Number: LOT 14116, no. 70 [P&P]
  • Access Advisory: ---

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Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Sluijters, Jan, Artist. Slachterij Der Hochkultur. Germany Netherlands, 1916. editeds by Wiessing, H. P. L Amsterdam, Netherlands: De Nieuwe Amsterdammer. Photograph.

APA citation style:

Sluijters, J., Wiessing, H. P. L., ed. (1916) Slachterij Der Hochkultur. Germany Netherlands, 1916. Amsterdam, Netherlands: De Nieuwe Amsterdammer. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Sluijters, Jan, Artist. Slachterij Der Hochkultur. ed by Wiessing, H. P. L Amsterdam, Netherlands: De Nieuwe Amsterdammer. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.