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Chicago citation style:
Zubly, John Joachim, William Lancaster, American Imprint Collection, and Former Owner Library Of Congress. Manuscript Division. To the Grand Jury of the County of Chatham, state of Georgia.: Gentlemen, On the point of being unjustly as I conceive banished from this country, I think it a debt due to those whom I shall leave behind, to point out the very fatal precipice towards which this state is, I think, now verging, and which, in my opinion, must soon compleat the ruin of the state, and of every individual. [Savannah: To be had of William Lancaster and Dr. Zubly, price 1s, 1777] Image.
APA citation style:
Zubly, J. J., Lancaster, W., American Imprint Collection & Library Of Congress. Manuscript Division, F. O. (1777) To the Grand Jury of the County of Chatham, state of Georgia.: Gentlemen, On the point of being unjustly as I conceive banished from this country, I think it a debt due to those whom I shall leave behind, to point out the very fatal precipice towards which this state is, I think, now verging, and which, in my opinion, must soon compleat the ruin of the state, and of every individual. [Savannah: To be had of William Lancaster and Dr. Zubly, price 1s] [Image] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Zubly, John Joachim, et al. To the Grand Jury of the County of Chatham, state of Georgia.: Gentlemen, On the point of being unjustly as I conceive banished from this country, I think it a debt due to those whom I shall leave behind, to point out the very fatal precipice towards which this state is, I think, now verging, and which, in my opinion, must soon compleat the ruin of the state, and of every individual. [Savannah: To be had of William Lancaster and Dr. Zubly, price 1s, 1777] Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.