Manuscript/Mixed Material Hādhihi Risālah fī al-farq bayna al-dāl al-muhmalah wa-al-dhāl al-muʻjamah هذه رسالة في الفرق بين الدال المهملة والذال المعجمة / / Risālah fī al-farq bayna al-dāl al-muhmalah wa-al-dhāl al-muʻjamah / Cited in Brockelmann as: Manẓūmah fī al-dhāl al-muʻjamah wa-al-dāl al-muhmalah
About this Item
- Hādhihi Risālah fī al-farq bayna al-dāl al-muhmalah wa-al-dhāl al-muʻjamah
Other Title
- هذه رسالة في الفرق بين الدال المهملة والذال المعجمة /
- Risālah fī al-farq bayna al-dāl al-muhmalah wa-al-dhāl al-muʻjamah
- Cited in Brockelmann as: Manẓūmah fī al-dhāl al-muʻjamah wa-al-dāl al-muhmalah
- Murādī ibn Umm Qāsim, al-Ḥasan ibn Qāsim, -1348 or 1349
- Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd al-Imām, former owner
- Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- 13 Muḥarram 1127 [19 January 1715]
- - Arabic language--Orthography and spelling--Early works to 1800
- - Arabic language--Pronunciation--Early works to 1800
- - Manuscripts, Arabic--Washington (D.C.)
- - Manuscript.
- - Arabic.
- - Title from fol. 1a.
- - Written by Muḥammad al-Ṭāʼī al-Ḥanafī.
- - Purchase of Mahmud al-Mansuri collection, 1945.
- - Place of writing not determined.
- - Paper; stiff, yellowed cream color laid paper with horizontal chain lines and no visible watermarks; black ink with red overlining; catchwords.
- - Very small naskh; 42 lines in written area 19 x 13 cm.
- - Fol. 1b-2a; additional notes on 2b.
- - "50. VI 2914 = 5.407."
- - Library of Congress. Mansuri Collection, 5-407.
- - Binding; black quarter leather with black grain sides; former owner's name in lower right corner of cover.
- - Incipit: اسمع هديت لالفاظ ممددية ...
- - Explicit/Colophon: ... وكان ابتدا كتابها وانتهاوها ليلة الثلاثا المبارك ثالث عشر شهر محرم الحرام من شهور سنة 1127 هجرية ... على يد عبده الفقير محمد الطاي الحنفي ...
- 2 leaves (42 lines), paper : bound ; 22 x 15.8 cm
Call Number/Physical Location
- PJ6127 .M87 1715
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2016496616
Online Format
- image
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
IIIF Presentation Manifest
Part of
- Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress)
- Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
- Murādī Ibn Umm Qāsim, Al-Ḥasan Ibn Qāsim