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Photo, Print, Drawing Eigentliche abermalige Belägerung der Kayserlichen Residentz-Stadt Wien von der Ottomannischen Porten An. 1683 Actual repeated siege of the imperial residence city of Vienna by Ottoman forces in the year 1683 / Ware Abbildung der Stad Wien wie die selbe von den Turcke[n] belagert Anno 1683 pospectus Septemtrionatis / True depiction of the city of Vienna besieged by the Turks and how it looked in September of the year 1683 / Vienna, successful against past sieges but besieged once again by the Turks (begun 13 July), late July 1683

[ digital file from b&w film copy neg. ]

About this Item


  • Eigentliche abermalige Belägerung der Kayserlichen Residentz-Stadt Wien von der Ottomannischen Porten An. 1683

Other Title

  • Actual repeated siege of the imperial residence city of Vienna by Ottoman forces in the year 1683
  • Ware Abbildung der Stad Wien wie die selbe von den Turcke[n] belagert Anno 1683 pospectus Septemtrionatis
  • True depiction of the city of Vienna besieged by the Turks and how it looked in September of the year 1683
  • Vienna, successful against past sieges but besieged once again by the Turks (begun 13 July), late July 1683


  • Broadside sheet has four columns of text surrounding an birds-eye view image of Vienna on the "Donau" (Danube River) under siege in 1683. In the distance, villages are named including Ebenfurt, Laxenburg, Pottendorf, Neustatt, Wartenstein, Möcklingen, Brizerdorf, Maur and Schottenau. Items identifed in the print are labeled A-F with key below the image.


  • Hauslab, Franz, 1798-1883, DLC, collector

Created / Published

  • [Germany] : [Publisher not identified], [1683].


  • (from caption key): A. Die verprante Schotten Kirch [The burned Scottish Church] -- B. Die aufgerichte Galgen [Erected gallows] -- C. Des Feinds auffgeworffne Patterien von welch die Statt an 3. Orten beschollen wirt [Batteries discharged by the enemy from 3 locations which hit the city -- D. Des Feindts Stesiente Troppen [The enemies stationed troops] -- E. Der Feinde Lager [The enemy's camp] -- F. Die Abgebrente Dorfstätte [Burned out villages].


  • -  Vienna (Austria)--History--Siege, 1683--Pictorial works
  • -  Austro-Turkish War, 1683-1699--Campaigns--Austria--Pictorial works
  • -  Vienna (Austria)--1680-1690
  • -  Cities & towns--Austria--Vienna--1680-1690
  • -  Campaigns & battles--Austria--Vienna--1680-1690
  • -  Forts & fortifications--Austria--Vienna--1680-1690
  • -  Cavalry--1630-1640
  • -  Horses--1630-1640


  • Bird's-eye view prints--1680-1690.
  • Engravings--German--1680-1690.


  • Bird's-eye view prints--1680-1690
  • Engravings--German--1680-1690


  • -  Title from caption at top of print.
  • -  Paas, J.R. German political broadsheet, 1600-1700 Vol. 11, P-3314
  • -  Reference copy in LOT 4601, no. 121.
  • -  Illustration in: Hauslab Album, plate 121.
  • -  Original album; Purchase; 1950.
  • -  Formerly: PR13 CN1950:R01. Originals were housed in blind-tooled morocco album 11 x 17 in. Original binding in P&P Suppl. Archives.


  • 1 print : engraving ; 34 x 41 cm on card mount 51 x 61 cm

Call Number/Physical Location

  • LOT 14117, no. 121 (H) [P&P]


Digital Id

  • cph 3b14636 //

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2016646753

Reproduction Number

  • LC-USZ62-67160 (b&w film copy neg.)

Rights Advisory

  • No known restrictions on publication.

Online Format

  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

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  • Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication.
  • Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-67160 (b&w film copy neg.)
  • Call Number: LOT 14117, no. 121 (H) [P&P]
  • Access Advisory: ---

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Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Hauslab, Franz, Dlc, Collector. Eigentliche abermalige Belägerung der Kayserlichen Residentz-Stadt Wien von der Ottomannischen Porten An. Vienna Austria, 1683. [Germany: Publisher not identified] Photograph.

APA citation style:

Hauslab, F. (1683) Eigentliche abermalige Belägerung der Kayserlichen Residentz-Stadt Wien von der Ottomannischen Porten An. Vienna Austria, 1683. [Germany: Publisher not identified] [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Hauslab, Franz, Dlc, Collector. Eigentliche abermalige Belägerung der Kayserlichen Residentz-Stadt Wien von der Ottomannischen Porten An. [Germany: Publisher not identified] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.