Film, Video Gloria Arellanes oral history interview conducted by David P. Cline in El Monte, California, 2016 June 26
Gloria Arellanes oral history interview conducted by David P. Cline in El Monte, California, 2016 June 26
About this Item
- Gloria Arellanes oral history interview conducted by David P. Cline in El Monte, California, 2016 June 26
- Gloria Arellanes talks about her life growing up in California, finding her way to the Brown Berets and participation in the Poor People's Campaign (1968) in Washington, DC. She also talks about her exploration of her roots and identity in an indigenous community.
- Arellanes, Gloria, 1946- interviewee
- Cline, David P., 1969- interviewer
- Bishop, John Melville, videographer
- Civil Rights History Project (U.S.)
Created / Published
- 2016.
- - Arellanes, Gloria,--1946---Interviews
- - Gonzales, Rodolpho,--1928-2005
- - Muñoz, Rosalio,--1946
- - Sanchez, David
- - National Brown Beret Organization
- - US (Organization)
- - Chicano movement
- - Civil rights movements--California
- - Civil rights movements--United States
- - Decolonization--United States
- - Gabrielino Indians--Social life and customs
- - Mexican Americans--Civil rights
- - Poor People's Campaign
- - Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Hispanic Americans
- - Women civil rights workers--California--Interviews
- Personal narratives
- Filmed interviews
- Interviews
- Oral histories
- Video recordings
- - Recorded in El Monte, California, on June 26, 2016.
- - Civil Rights History Project collection (AFC 2010/039: 0136), Archive of Folk Culture, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
- - Copies of items are also held at the National Museum of African American History and Culture (U.S.).
- - Gloria Arellanes was born in East Los Angeles in 1946. As a child, her family purchased a home in El Monte, California, where she experienced racism. Her father was a Mexican immigrant and her mother was Tongva Indian, but her parents encouraged her to identify as Chicana in school. After graduating high school, Gloria became involved in community work with Youth Temporary Employment Project (YTEP) and Neighborhood Adult Participation Project (NAPP). In 1967, she became involved with the Brown Berets and the Chicano movement, running the Brown Beret free clinic. After leaving the Brown Berets, she has focused on her indigenous roots and has been an active member of her tribe.
- - The Civil Rights History Project is a joint project of the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of African American History and Culture to collect video and audio recordings of personal histories and testimonials of individuals who participated in the Civil Rights movement.
- - In English.
- - Finding aid
- 9 video files (Apple ProRes 422 HQ, QuickTime wrapper) (1:34:55) : digital, sound, color.
- transcript 1 item (.pdf) : text files.
Source Collection
- Civil Rights History Project collection AFC 2010/039: 0136
- Library of Congress Archive of Folk Culture, American Folklife Center, 101 Independence Ave. S.E., Washington, DC USA 20540-4610
Digital Id
- afc2010039.afc2010039_crhp0136_ms01
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2016655427
Rights Advisory
- Duplication of collection materials may be governed by copyright and other restrictions.
Access Advisory
- Collection is open for research. To request materials, please contact the Folklife Reading Room at
Online Format
- image
- video
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
Part of
- Arellanes, Gloria
- California
- Chicano Movement
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Movements
- Decolonization
- Filmed Interviews
- Gabrielino Indians
- Gonzales, Rodolpho
- Hispanic Americans
- Interviews
- Mexican Americans
- Muñoz, Rosalio
- National Brown Beret Organization
- Oral Histories
- Personal Narratives
- Poor People's Campaign
- Sanchez, David
- Social Life and Customs
- United States
- US (Organization)
- Video Recordings
- Vietnam War
- Women Civil Rights Workers