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Book/Printed Material Yongle da dian : Juan yi wan jiu qian qi bai ba shi wu zhi juan yi wan jiu qian qi bai ba shi liu, yi wu 永樂大典 : 卷一萬九千七百八十五之卷一萬九千七百八十六, 一屋 / / Yongle da dian : Juan 19785 zhi juan 19786, 1 wu

About this Item


  • Yongle da dian : Juan yi wan jiu qian qi bai ba shi wu zhi juan yi wan jiu qian qi bai ba shi liu, yi wu

Other Title

  • 永樂大典 : 卷一萬九千七百八十五之卷一萬九千七百八十六, 一屋 /
  • Yongle da dian : Juan 19785 zhi juan 19786, 1 wu


  • Xie, Jin, 1369-1415, zuan xiu
  • Yao, Guangxiao, 1335-1419, jian xiu
  • Gao, Gong, 1512-1578, zong lu zong jiao
  • Nie, Chongyi, active 10th century
  • Chen, Xiangdao, 1053-1093
  • Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
  • Library of Congress. Asian Division

Created / Published

  • [China] : [publisher not identified], Ming Jiajing 41 nian-Ming Longqing yuan nian [1562-1567]


  • -  Clothing and dress--China--History--Early works to 1800
  • -  Costume--China--History--Early works to 1800
  • -  Dress accessories--China--History--Early works to 1800
  • -  China--Officials and employees--Titles--Early works to 1800
  • -  China--Social life and customs--Early works to 1800
  • -  Yongle da dian--Manuscripts
  • -  Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Chinese
  • -  永樂大典--Manuscripts


  • -  On double leaves, Asian style.
  • -  Entries of terms arranged under character "服" (fu).
  • -  此書開本高50.6公分X寬30.1公分. 包背裝. 書衣左上方長方形書簽, 框內題永樂大典四字, 字下方有雙行小字, 說明此冊的卷數. 書衣右上方有方框, 內用墨筆題寫本冊所屬韻目, 又低一字註明該韻目下之冊數. 全書為手繪朱絲欄, 框高35.4公分X寬23.3公分, 四周雙欄, 半葉8行, 小字雙行不頂格28字, 版心上下紅口, 三红鱼尾, 版心中題卷次. 魚尾上方記載書名和卷數, 下方記載葉數. 書內正文皆以楷書抄錄, 正文為墨色, 引用書名及書口文字為紅色.
  • -  "Yongle da dian: juan 19785-19786", volume 40 of 41 LOC set includes history on Chinese chariots and robes etiquette in various dynastic histories, observed by high level officials, and others at official or social occassions; also contains illustrations and annotations of the various style of robes, clothing and hats, taken from sources such as "周禮圖" ("Zhou li tu"), "三禮圖" ("San li tu"), and 陳祥道 "禮書" (Chen Xiangdao's "Li shu"), etc.


  • 12, 20 leaves : illustrations ; 50 cm.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • C237.2 Y98 vol. 40

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2018433761

Online Format

  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

IIIF Presentation Manifest

Rights & Access

The contents of the Library of Congress Yongle Da Dian collection are in the public domain or have no known copyright restrictions and are free to use and reuse.

Credit Line: Library of Congress, Asian Division.

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Xie, Jin, Zuan Xiu, Guangxiao Yao, Gong Gao, Chongyi Nie, Xiangdao Chen, Chinese Rare Book Collection, and Library Of Congress. Asian Division. Yongle da dian: Juan yi wan jiu qian qi bai ba shi wu zhi juan yi wan jiu qian qi bai ba shi liu, yi wu. [China: publisher not identified, Ming Jiajing 41 nian-Ming Longqing yuan nian to 1567, 1562] Image.

APA citation style:

Xie, J., Yao, G., Gao, G., Nie, C., Chen, X., Chinese Rare Book Collection & Library Of Congress. Asian Division. (1562) Yongle da dian: Juan yi wan jiu qian qi bai ba shi wu zhi juan yi wan jiu qian qi bai ba shi liu, yi wu. [China: publisher not identified, Ming Jiajing 41 nian-Ming Longqing yuan nian to 1567] [Image] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Xie, Jin, Zuan Xiu, et al. Yongle da dian: Juan yi wan jiu qian qi bai ba shi wu zhi juan yi wan jiu qian qi bai ba shi liu, yi wu. [China: publisher not identified, Ming Jiajing 41 nian-Ming Longqing yuan nian to 1567, 1562] Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.