Periodical Muahedat mecmuası
About this Item
- Muahedat mecmuası
- Abdülhamid II Collection (Library of Congress)
- Turkey
- - Turkey--Foreign relations--Treaties
- - Diplomatic relations
- - Turkey
- Treaties
- - 1-5; 1294-1298 [1878-1882].
- - Inscriptions on front and back covers: [tughra] el-Müstenid bi-tevfikât ir-Rabbâniye, Melik üd-Devlet-il-aliyet-il-Osmaniye, es-Sultan ibn us-Sultan is-Sultan el-Gazi Abdülhamid / Han-i Sâni Hazretlerinin taraf-i eşref-i mülukânelerinden / Vaşingtonda Meclis-i Mebusân azasından Mösyö / Hewit hazretlerinin marifetile Muctema-yi Amerika Kütüphane-yi Milliye ihda buyurulmuştur 1302-1884 = Gift made by H.I. M. the Sultan / Abdul-Hamid II. / to the national library of the / United States of America / through the Honorable / A.S. Hewitt / member / of the House of Representatives / in Washington / A.H.1302-1884 A.D. = Don fait par S.M.I le Sultan / Abdul-Hamid II / à la Bibliothèque nationale / des États-Unis d'Amérique / par l'entremise de l'honorable / Mr. A.S. Hewitt / membre / de la Chambre des Représentants / a Washington / A.H. 1302-1884 A.D.
- - Original pagination: 5 v.
- 1 microfilm reel
Call Number/Physical Location
- Micro 4211
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2018672813
OCLC Number
- 40373375
Online Format
- image