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Chicago citation style:
Judgment ofissued by Félix de Vilaplana on behalf of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of the city of Girona, Francisco de Pastor Descallar, Abbot of the Royal Monastery of San Pedro de Besalú and the community of priests of said Monastery, in the case against the Royal Audiencia of said village of San Pedro de Besalú, concerning the excommunication of Miguel Plantés. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1727] Pdf.
APA citation style:
(1727) Judgment ofissued by Félix de Vilaplana on behalf of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of the city of Girona, Francisco de Pastor Descallar, Abbot of the Royal Monastery of San Pedro de Besalú and the community of priests of said Monastery, in the case against the Royal Audiencia of said village of San Pedro de Besalú, concerning the excommunication of Miguel Plantés. [Spain: publisher not identified] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Judgment ofissued by Félix de Vilaplana on behalf of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of the city of Girona, Francisco de Pastor Descallar, Abbot of the Royal Monastery of San Pedro de Besalú and the community of priests of said Monastery, in the case against the Royal Audiencia of said village of San Pedro de Besalú, concerning the excommunication of Miguel Plantés. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1727] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.