Photo, Print, Drawing T︠S︡entral'nai︠a︡ bol'nit︠s︡a Sevlaga. Центральная больница Севлага.
About this Item
- T︠S︡entral'nai︠a︡ bol'nit︠s︡a Sevlaga.
Other Title
- Центральная больница Севлага.
Translated Title
- Central Hospital of the Sevlag (Northern Labor Camp).
- This item is from a collection of photographs, drawings, newspapers, and documents gathered in the Kolyma region of Russia. Kolyma is a northeastern region that takes its name from the Kolyma River and includes parts of the present-day Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and present-day Magadan Oblast. This region contained deposits of gold and platinum and was home to Sevvostlag (Northeastern Corrective Labor Camps), one of the Soviet Union's most infamous labor camp systems, which was administered by a government agency known as Dalstroy (Far North Construction Trust). These materials were collected by the Yagodnoye District public historical and educational organization "Search for the Unlawfully Repressed." This organization was founded in 1990 with the goal of locating former prisoners of the Kolyma camps. It corresponds with more than 500 former prisoners and their relatives, publishes prisoners' memoirs, conducts local history research, and carries out expeditions to the remains of camps. The materials collected by Search for the Unlawfully Repressed became the basis for the collections of the Memory of Kolyma Museum, where this collection is housed. The collection's photographs depict ruins of camp buildings, daily life in Kolyma, and journalists traveling in the region. Other materials of the collection include a map of Kolyma's camps, newspapers from the region, certificates, letters, records of criminal cases, and personal files. Parts of the collection were digitized in the early 2000s for the Meeting of Frontiers digital library project. World Digital Library.
Created / Published
- Severnoe gorno-promyshlennoe upravlenie (SGPU) Dal'stroi︠a︡, poselok Belich'i︠a︡ : [publisher not identified], 1944.
- - medit︠s︡ina
- - bol'nit︠s︡a
- - dvor
- - odezhda
- - zakli︠u︡chennye
- - Magadan
- - Convict labor
- - Hospitals
- - Labor camps
- - Nurses
- - Postcards
- - Prisoners
- - Prisons
- - Russian Far East
- - Siberia
- - Russian Federation
- - Magadan Oblast
- - Yagodnoye
- - медицина
- - больница
- - двор
- - одежда
- - заключенные
- - Магадан
- - Nadpisi na oborote: "T︠S︡entr: b-t︠s︡a Sevlaga. pos. Belich'e 1944 g." "U II t.o. V.T.Shalamov chitaet khodi︠a︡chim bol'nym gazetu." "Stoit sleva st. m/s Isakovich Fira. Sidit sprava v temn. khalate i belom vorotnichke - eshche bol'nai︠a︡ Uander Ruta. Stoit v dveri︠a︡kh - laborant Isaev Al-r".
- - Original image at: Memory of Kolyma Museum
- - Надписи на обороте: "Центр: б-ца Севлага. пос. Беличье 1944 г." "У II т.о. В.Т.Шаламов читает ходячим больным газету." "Стоит слева ст. м/с Исакович Фира. Сидит справа в темн. халате и белом воротничке - еще больная Уандер Рута. Стоит в дверях - лаборант Исаев Ал-р".
- 1 photograph : black and white ; 8.5 x 11 cm.
Source Collection
- Materials on the History of Sevvostlag
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2018688067
Online Format
- image