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Photo, Print, Drawing Elka v bogatom dome Irkutska. Елка в богатом доме Иркутска.

About this Item


  • Elka v bogatom dome Irkutska.

Other Title

  • Елка в богатом доме Иркутска.

Translated Title

  • Christmas Tree in the House of Wealthy Residents of Irkutsk.


  • Boris Vasilievich Smirnov (1881-1954) was a Russian artist who in 1904 traveled by prisoner transport from western Russia across Siberia. Along the way he created a series of drawings and watercolors of the people and places he encountered. Best known as a portraitist, Smirnov focused on the faces of the men and women he met, who included exiles, prisoners, settlers from Ukraine and western Russia, local military and civilian officials, peasants and merchants. His works from this period also include a handful of drawings of houses and landscapes. The sketches were made in the Ural Mountains, Irkutsk, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, and in villages along the route. The details of Smirnov's journey are sketchy. Some accounts say that he traveled along the Great Siberian Road as a volunteer on the way to the front in the Russo-Japanese War. Other accounts say that he was an exile, possibly sent to Siberia for refusing to be conscripted into the army. The Great Siberian Road, depicted in several of Smirnov's drawings, was the route from Moscow to China via Siberia. Smirnov's collection of 99 graphic items is preserved in the Novosibirsk State Museum of Regional History and Folklife. The collection was acquired by the museum from the artist in 1950. It was digitized for the Meeting of Frontiers project in the early 2000s. The complete collection is presented in the World Digital Library. World Digital Library.


  • Smirnov, Boris Vasil'evich, , 1881-1954 , artist.

Created / Published

  • [place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 1904


  • -  Smirnov
  • -  grafika
  • -  Sibir'
  • -  Irkutsk
  • -  Christmas
  • -  Christmas trees
  • -  Holidays
  • -  Interiors
  • -  Living rooms
  • -  Piano
  • -  Toys
  • -  Russian Federation
  • -  Irkutsk Oblast
  • -  Смирнов
  • -  графика
  • -  Сибирь
  • -  Иркутск


  • -  Avtorskai︠a︡ podpis' - nizhniĭ levyĭ ugol (karandash). Akvarel' plotno prikleena k bumage temno-zelenogo t︠s︡veta; na neĭ v verkhneĭ polovine sleva - avtorskai︠a︡ nadpis': "Elka v bogatom dome v Irkutske 1903" (skoropis'; karandash). Tyl'nai︠a︡ storona paspartu verkhniĭ levyĭ ugol - avtorskai︠a︡ nadpis': "khud. Smirnov B.V. Elka v bogatom dome Irkutska. akv. 1904 g." (skoropis'; fioletovye chernila).
  • -  Original image at: Novosibirsk State Museum of Regional History and Folklife
  • -  Авторская подпись - нижний левый угол (карандаш). Акварель плотно приклеена к бумаге темно-зеленого цвета; на ней в верхней половине слева - авторская надпись: "Елка в богатом доме в Иркутске 1903" (скоропись; карандаш). Тыльная сторона паспарту верхний левый угол - авторская надпись: "худ. Смирнов Б.В. Елка в богатом доме Иркутска. акв. 1904 г." (скоропись; фиолетовые чернила).


  • 1 painting : watercolor ; 22.0 x 17.5 cm.

Source Collection

  • Boris Smirnov Print Collection

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2018688261

Online Format

  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

IIIF Presentation Manifest

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Credit Line: [Original Source citation], World Digital Library

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Smirnov, Boris Vasil'Evich, , Artist. Elka v bogatom dome Irkutska. Irkutsk Oblast Irkutsk Russian Federation, 1904. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified] Photograph.

APA citation style:

Smirnov, B. V. (1904) Elka v bogatom dome Irkutska. Irkutsk Oblast Irkutsk Russian Federation, 1904. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified] [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Smirnov, Boris Vasil'Evich, , Artist. Elka v bogatom dome Irkutska. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.