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Map Generalʹnai︠a︡ Karta Ekaterinoslavskoĭ Gubernii Sʺ pokazaniemʺ pochtovykhʺ i bolʹshikhʺ proi︠e︡zzhikhʺ dorogʺ, stant︠s︡iĭ i razstoi︠a︡nii︠a︡ mezhdu onymi verstʺ. Генеральная Карта Екатеринославской Губернiи Съ показанiемъ почтовыхъ и большихъ проѣзжихъ дорогъ, станцiй и разстоянiя между оными верстъ.

About this Item


  • Generalʹnai︠a︡ Karta Ekaterinoslavskoĭ Gubernii Sʺ pokazaniemʺ pochtovykhʺ i bolʹshikhʺ proi︠e︡zzhikhʺ dorogʺ, stant︠s︡iĭ i razstoi︠a︡nii︠a︡ mezhdu onymi verstʺ.

Other Title

  • Генеральная Карта Екатеринославской Губернiи Съ показанiемъ почтовыхъ и большихъ проѣзжихъ дорогъ, станцiй и разстоянiя между оными верстъ.

Translated Title

  • General Map of Ekaterinoslav Province: Showing Postal and Major Roads, Stations and the Distance in Versts between Them.


  • This 1821 map of Ekaterinoslav Provinceis from a larger work,Geograficheskii atlas Rossiiskoi imperii, tsarstva Pol'skogo i velikogo kniazhestva Finliandskogo(Geographical atlas of the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Poland, and the Grand Duchy of Finland), containing 60 maps of the Russian Empire. Compiled and engraved by Colonel V.P. Piadyshev, it reflects the detailed mapping carried out by Russian military cartographers in the first quarter of the 19th century. The map shows population centers (seven gradations by size), postal stations, roads (four types), state, provincial and district borders,factories, monasteries, forts,and customs houses. Distances are shown in versts, a Russian measure, now no longer used, equal to 1.07 kilometers.Legends and place-names are in Russian and French. The territory depicted on the map lies within present-day eastern Ukraine. The Ekaterinoslav region for centuries was effectively split by Poland-Lithuania and the Crimean Tatars, with the Dnieper River as a natural border. As the Cossack Hetmanate took shape in the 18th century, the region became the heartland for the Zaporozhian Sich (center of autonomous Cossack territory from about the 1550s to 1775) and a strong Cossack culture. Polish and Lithuanian interests continued to govern regional affairs, until Bohdan Khmelnytskyi sought a Russian military alliance in the Pereyaslav Agreement in 1654, which brought the closer integration of the area within the Russian Empire. The Cossacks helped the Russians to fend off Polish control of the region, which became a bulwark against the Crimean Tatars and Ottoman Turkey. Catherine the Great gained key parts of the northern Black Sea region after the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji (also seen as Kucuk Kaynarca, 1774) with the Ottomans. The city of Ekaterinoslav (present-day Dnepropetrovsk) was named in honor of Catherine the Great (literally, "glory of Catherine"). Catherine's favorite, Grigorii Potemkin, became the new governor-general for the new Russian region, which was called Novorossiya (New Russia). World Digital Library.


  • Pi︠a︡dyshev, Vasiliĭ Petrovich, 1758-1835, creator.
  • Iwanoff, contributor.
  • Russia. General Staff. Military Topographical Depot, associated name.

Created / Published

  • Saint Petersburg, Russia : Military Topographical Depot, [1821]


  • -  Atlases
  • -  Maps
  • -  Siberia
  • -  Russian Federation
  • -  Ukraine
  • -  Dnipropetrovs'ka Oblast


  • -  No. 24 Iz izdanii︠a︡: Geograficheskiĭ atlas Rossiĭskoĭ imperii, T︠S︡arstva Polʹskago i Velikago Kni︠a︡zhestva Finli︠a︡ndskogo. Raspolozhennyĭ po gubernii︠a︡m na dvukh i︠a︡zykakh s oznacheniem v onykh gorodov, mestechek, sel, derevenʹ i vsekh primechatelʹneĭshikh mest; pochtovykh i bolʹshikh proezzhikh dorog, stant︠s︡iĭ i razstoi︠a︡niĭ mezhdu onymi, i prochimi selenii︠a︡mi v verstakh i mili︠a︡kh. Na 70 listakh s Generalʹnoi︠u︡ kartoi︠u︡ i Tablit︠s︡ei︠u︡ razstoi︠a︡nii︠a︡ verst po pochtovym dorogam mezhdu znatneĭshimi gorodami. Sochinen po noveĭshim i dostovernym svedenii︠a︡m, v polʹzu obuchai︠u︡shchikhsi︠a︡ Rossiĭskoĭ Geografii i dli︠a︡ sostavlenii︠a︡ dorozhnikov puteshestvennikam, Sluzhashchim v Voenno-topograficheskom Depo, Svity Ego Imperatorskago Velichestva po kvartirmeĭsterskoĭ chasti Podpolkovnikom Pi︠a︡dyshevym, 1821 goda. [SPb., 1820-1827]. Gravi︠u︡ra, raskrashena. Kartograficheskai︠a︡ setka cherez 1°; schet dolgot ot Ferro. Parallelʹno na frant︠s︡uzskom i︠a︡zyke.
  • -  Uslovnye znaki: naselennye punkty (7 grupp), kreposti, monastyri i pustyni, zavody i fabriki, pochtovye dvory i stant︠s︡ii, dorogi (4 vida), granit︠s︡y (gubernskai︠a︡, uezdnai︠a︡), tamozhni. Ukazatelʹ: Izʺi︠a︡snenie granit︠s︡ (A-G).
  • -  Original map at: National Library of Russia
  • -  From the atlas "Географической атласъ Россiйской Имперiи, Царства Польскаго и Великаго княжества Финляндскаго."
  • -  No. 24 Из издания: Географический атлас Российской империи, Царства Польскаго и Великаго Княжества Финляндского. Расположенный по губерниям на двух языках с означением в оных городов, местечек, сел, деревень и всех примечательнейших мест; почтовых и больших проезжих дорог, станций и разстояний между оными, и прочими селениями в верстах и милях. На 70 листах с Генеральною картою и Таблицею разстояния верст по почтовым дорогам между знатнейшими городами. Сочинен по новейшим и достоверным сведениям, в пользу обучающихся Российской Географии и для составления дорожников путешественникам, Служащим в Военно-топографическом Депо, Свиты Его Императорскаго Величества по квартирмейстерской части Подполковником Пядышевым, 1821 года. [СПб., 1820-1827]. Гравюра, раскрашена. Картографическая сетка через 1°; счет долгот от Ферро. Параллельно на французском языке.
  • -  Условные знаки: населенные пункты (7 групп), крепости, монастыри и пустыни, заводы и фабрики, почтовые дворы и станции, дороги (4 вида), границы (губернская, уездная), таможни. Указатель: Изъяснение границ (А-G).


  • 1 map ; 40 x 38 cm.

Source Collection

  • Geographical Atlas of the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Poland, and the Grand Duchy of Finland

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2018688659

Online Format

  • image

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IIIF Presentation Manifest

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Pi︠A︡Dyshev, Vasiliĭ Petrovich, Creator, Contributor Iwanoff, and Associated Name Russia. General Staff. Military Topographical Depot. Generalʹnai︠a︡ Karta Ekaterinoslavskoĭ Gubernii Sʺ pokazaniemʺ pochtovykhʺ i bolʹshikhʺ proi︠e︡zzhikhʺ dorogʺ, stant︠s︡iĭ i razstoi︠a︡nii︠a︡ mezhdu onymi verstʺ. [Saint Petersburg, Russia: Military Topographical Depot, 1821] Map.

APA citation style:

Pi︠A︡Dyshev, V. P., Iwanoff, C. & Russia. General Staff. Military Topographical Depot, A. N. (1821) Generalʹnai︠a︡ Karta Ekaterinoslavskoĭ Gubernii Sʺ pokazaniemʺ pochtovykhʺ i bolʹshikhʺ proi︠e︡zzhikhʺ dorogʺ, stant︠s︡iĭ i razstoi︠a︡nii︠a︡ mezhdu onymi verstʺ. [Saint Petersburg, Russia: Military Topographical Depot] [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Pi︠A︡Dyshev, Vasiliĭ Petrovich, Creator, Contributor Iwanoff, and Associated Name Russia. General Staff. Military Topographical Depot. Generalʹnai︠a︡ Karta Ekaterinoslavskoĭ Gubernii Sʺ pokazaniemʺ pochtovykhʺ i bolʹshikhʺ proi︠e︡zzhikhʺ dorogʺ, stant︠s︡iĭ i razstoi︠a︡nii︠a︡ mezhdu onymi verstʺ. [Saint Petersburg, Russia: Military Topographical Depot, 1821] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.