Photo, Print, Drawing Volynskai︠a︡ gubernii︠a︡. Волынская губерния.
About this Item
- Volynskai︠a︡ gubernii︠a︡.
Other Title
- Волынская губерния.
Translated Title
- Volyn Province.
- This card is one of a souvenir set of 82 illustrated cards-one for each province of the Russian Empire as it existed in 1856. Each card presents an overview of a particular province's culture, history, economy, and geography. The front of the card depicts such distinguishing features as rivers, mountains, major cities, and chief industries. The back of each card contains a map of the province, the provincial seal, information about the population, and a picture of the local costume of the inhabitants. Volynskaia guberniia (Volynia Province) depicted on this card corresponds to part of present-day Ukraine. World Digital Library.
Created / Published
- Saint Petersburg, Russia : [publisher not identified], 1856.
- - cards
- - Russia geography
- - Volynskaia province
- - Ukraine
- - Na karte takzhe gerb gubernii, izobrazhenie predstaviteleĭ mestnogo naselenii︠a︡, statisticheskie svedenii︠a︡. Na oborote risunkami otmecheny osobennosti gubernii, a takzhe nazvanii︠a︡ krupnykh gorodov.
- - Iz Sobranii︠a︡:"Novai︠a︡ nat︠s︡ionalʹnai︠a︡ i podrobnai︠a︡ geografii︠a︡ Rossiĭskoĭ imperii." 30.
- - Original image at: National Library of Russia
- - На карте также герб губернии, изображение представителей местного населения, статистические сведения. На обороте рисунками отмечены особенности губернии, а также названия крупных городов.
- - Из Собрания:"Новая национальная и подробная география Российской империи." 30.
- 26 sheets s 69 photographsami : v pereplete.
Source Collection
- Geographic Card Set of the Russian Empire
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2018689296
Online Format
- image