Book/Printed Material Gospoda nashego Iisusa Khrista Evangelie, napisannoe apostolom" MatḞi︠e︡em"; s" russkago i︠a︡zyka na Aleutsko-Lis'evskoĭ perevel" Svi︠a︡shchennik" Ioann" Veniaminov" 1828 goda, i v" 1836 godu ispravil"; a Svi︠a︡shchennik" Iakov" Net︠s︡vi︠e︡tov" razsmatrivai︠a︡ ego okonchatel'no, svoimi poi︠a︡snenii︠a︡mi sdi︠e︡lal" poni︠a︡tnym" i dli︠a︡ Atkhint︠s︡ov", imi︠e︡i︠u︡shchikh" svoe nari︠e︡chie. Господа нашего Iисуса Христа Евангелiе, написанное апостоломъ МатѲѣемъ; съ русскаго языка на Алеутско-Лисьевской перевелъ Священникъ Иоаннъ Венiаминовъ 1828 года, и въ 1836 году исправилъ; а Священникъ Iаковъ Нецвѣтовъ разсматривая его окончательно, своими поясненiями сдѣлалъ понятнымъ и для Атхинцовъ, имѣющихъ свое нарѣчiе.
About this Item
- Gospoda nashego Iisusa Khrista Evangelie, napisannoe apostolom" MatḞi︠e︡em"; s" russkago i︠a︡zyka na Aleutsko-Lis'evskoĭ perevel" Svi︠a︡shchennik" Ioann" Veniaminov" 1828 goda, i v" 1836 godu ispravil"; a Svi︠a︡shchennik" Iakov" Net︠s︡vi︠e︡tov" razsmatrivai︠a︡ ego okonchatel'no, svoimi poi︠a︡snenii︠a︡mi sdi︠e︡lal" poni︠a︡tnym" i dli︠a︡ Atkhint︠s︡ov", imi︠e︡i︠u︡shchikh" svoe nari︠e︡chie.
Other Title
- Господа нашего Iисуса Христа Евангелiе, написанное апостоломъ МатѲѣемъ; съ русскаго языка на Алеутско-Лисьевской перевелъ Священникъ Иоаннъ Венiаминовъ 1828 года, и въ 1836 году исправилъ; а Священникъ Iаковъ Нецвѣтовъ разсматривая его окончательно, своими поясненiями сдѣлалъ понятнымъ и для Атхинцовъ, имѣющихъ свое нарѣчiе.
Translated Title
- The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, Written by the Apostle Matthew; Translated from Russian into Aleut (Fox Dialect) by the Priest Ioann Veniaminov in 1828 and Corrected in 1836; the Priest Iakov Netsvetov, Examining the Final Version, Provided Notes Making it Understandable also to the Akhintsy, Who Have Their Own Dialect.
- Ioann Veniaminov (1797-1879) was a Russian Orthodox priest who in 1823 volunteered to go to Alaska as a missionary. Settling with his wife and family in Unalaska, he built a church and school and began his lifelong task of studying the native languages of the region. With the help of the Aleut chief Ivan Pan'kov, Veniaminov invented an alphabet for the Unangan (Aleut) language and then used it to compose grammars and translate the Gospel of Saint Matthew. Traveling throughout the Aleutian Islands, Veniaminov collected ethnographic and scientific material that he used in published works on the Aleut and Tlingit languages. In 1840, following the death of his wife, Veniaminov was made bishop of the newly created diocese of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, and the Aleutians, which he administered from New Archangel (present-day Sitka). He was given the monastic name Innokentii (Innocent). This book, from the collections of the National Library of Russia, is Veniaminov's translation of the Gospel of Matthew from Russian into the Aleut-Fox language. World Digital Library.
- - Bible
- - Bible. New Testament
- - Indians of North America
- - Indigenous peoples
- - Missionaries
- - Russian Orthodox Church
- - Russian Federation
- - United States of America
- - Alaska
- - Na aleutsko-lis'evskom i russkom i︠a︡zykakh.
- - Original text at: National Library of Russia
- - На алеутско-лисьевском и русском языках.
- XIV + 268 pages.
Source Collection
- Rare Books from the National Library of Russia
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2018693941
Online Format
- image