Book/Printed Material Materialy dli︠a︡ istorii khristianskogo prosveshchenii︠a︡ Sibiri, sr vremen pokorenii︠a︡ ee v 1581 godu do nachala XIX stoletii︠a︡. Материалы для истории христианского просвещения Сибири, ср времен покорения ее в 1581 году до начала XIX столетия.
About this Item
- Materialy dli︠a︡ istorii khristianskogo prosveshchenii︠a︡ Sibiri, sr vremen pokorenii︠a︡ ee v 1581 godu do nachala XIX stoletii︠a︡.
Other Title
- Материалы для истории христианского просвещения Сибири, ср времен покорения ее в 1581 году до начала XIX столетия.
Translated Title
- Material on the History of Christian Enlightenment in Siberia from the Time of Its Conquest in 1581 to the Beginning of the 19th Century.
- The work presented here provides a detailed overview of the history of Russian Orthodox Church missionaries in Siberia, beginning with the initial "opening of Siberia" by the Russians in 1581. During the early years of the conquest of Siberia, the Orthodox missionary effort consisted primarily of priests who moved eastward with the Russian military, or with settlers, and established churches on the frontier. The author, Nikolai Alekseevich Abramov (1812-70), systematically covers these efforts, listing the priests involved and, in many cases, giving their biographies. Although Orthodox missionaries focused their efforts in the 18th century on Russian America, this booklet demonstrates that the church was also active in Siberia during this time. Published in Saint Petersburg in 1854, the work first appeared in the journal of the Ministry of Public Education, in the second and third issues of that year. The booklet is preserved in the collections of the National Library of Russia in Saint Petersburg. It was digitized for the Meeting of Frontiers digital library project in the early 2000s. World Digital Library.
- Abramov, N. A. (Nikolaĭ Alekseevich), 1812-1870 , author.
- - Missionaries
- - Nation-building
- - Priests
- - Russian Orthodox Church
- - Siberia
- - Russian Federation
- - Iz zhurnala Ministerstva Narodnogo prosveshchenii︠a︡ 1854 No. 2 i 3.
- - Original text at: National Library of Russia
- - Из журнала Министерства Народного просвещения 1854 No. 2 и 3.
- 41 pages ; 15 x 24 cm
Source Collection
- Rare Books from the National Library of Russia
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2018693988
Online Format
- image