Book/Printed Material Pami︠a︡tnoe zaveshchanie. Avtobiografii︠a︡ missionera Altaĭskoĭ dukhovnoĭ missii Svi︠a︡shchennika M.V. Chevalkova. Памятное завещание. Автобиография миссионера Алтайской духовной миссии Священника М.В. Чевалкова.
About this Item
- Pami︠a︡tnoe zaveshchanie. Avtobiografii︠a︡ missionera Altaĭskoĭ dukhovnoĭ missii Svi︠a︡shchennika M.V. Chevalkova.
Other Title
- Памятное завещание. Автобиография миссионера Алтайской духовной миссии Священника М.В. Чевалкова.
Translated Title
- A Testament of Memory. The Autobiography of the Missionary of the Altay Spiritual Mission Priest M.V. Chevalkov.
- In the early 19th century, the Russian Orthodox Church expanded its missionary efforts in the area east of Lake Baikal, where it established several missions. One of these was the Altay (Altai) Spiritual Mission, which was founded in 1830 by Makarii (born Mikhail Yakovlevich Glukharyov, 1792-1847), a noted linguist and scholar. One of Makarii's first disciples was Mikhail Vasilievich Chevalkov (1817-1901), a native of the Altai, who converted to Christianity and himself became a priest. Pamiatnoe zaveshchanie (A testament of memory) is an autobiography by Chevalkov, in which he writes about his own conversion and the work of the missionaries to proselytize the many pagan tribes of the region. Chevalkov describes in detail the way of life of the people of the Altai and the natural beauty of the region. The book also includes some of Chevalkov's poems. The book, which was first published in the magazine Pravoslavnogo blagovestnika (Orthodox evangelist), is preserved in the collections of the National Library of Russia in Saint Petersburg. It was digitized for the Meeting of Frontiers digital library project in the early 2000s. World Digital Library.
- Chevalkov, Mikhail, 1817-1901 , author.
- - Altai (Turkic people)
- - Biography
- - Chevalkov, Mikhail, 1817-1901
- - Missions
- - Russian Orthodox Church
- - Siberia
- - Russian Federation
- - Altai Krai
- - Published in the magazine "Orthodox Evangelist," issue 10.
- - Ottisk iz No. 10 "Pravoslavnogo Blagovestnika".
- - Original text at: National Library of Russia
- - Оттиск из No. 10 "Православного Благовестника".
- 94 pages ; 24 x 17 cm
Source Collection
- Rare Books from the National Library of Russia
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2018693990
Online Format
- image