Book/Printed Material Zapiski altaĭskogo missionera Cherno-Anuĭskogo otdelenii︠a︡ svi︠a︡shchennika Filareta Sin'kovskogo za 1876, 77, 78, 79, 80 i 81 gody. Записки алтайского миссионера Черно-Ануйского отделения священника Филарета Синьковского за 1876, 77, 78, 79, 80 и 81 годы.
About this Item
- Zapiski altaĭskogo missionera Cherno-Anuĭskogo otdelenii︠a︡ svi︠a︡shchennika Filareta Sin'kovskogo za 1876, 77, 78, 79, 80 i 81 gody.
Other Title
- Записки алтайского миссионера Черно-Ануйского отделения священника Филарета Синьковского за 1876, 77, 78, 79, 80 и 81 годы.
Translated Title
- Notes of Priest Filaret Senkovskii, Missionary of the Cherno-Anuisk Department of the Altay Mission for the Years 1876-81.
- The work presented here is an account of the missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church in the region east of Lake Baikal in the years 1876-81. It is based on the notes written by Archbishop Vladimir (born Filaret Alexeevich Senkovskii, 1845-1917) in the period when he worked at the Cherno-Anuisk Mission. Vladimir describes in detail the activities of the mission and its efforts to convert the local people to Christianity. He notes his success in baptizing many of the local people. He also established a school in 1878-79. Vladimir served in the Altay (Altai) Mission until 1881, after which he left to establish the Kyrgyz Mission. He learned the Kyrgyz language and was responsible for translating into Kyrgyz a number of Orthodox texts. Vladimir later served as the bishop of a number of Russian Orthodox dioceses in European Russia. This book is preserved in the collections of the National Library of Russia in Saint Petersburg. It was digitized for the Meeting of Frontiers digital library project in the early 2000s. World Digital Library.
- Senkovskii, Filaret Alexeevich (Archbishop Vladimir), 1845-1917 , author.
- - Missions
- - Russian Orthodox Church
- - Siberia
- - Russian Federation
- - Altai Krai
- - Izdanie Moskovskogo Pokrovskogo Missionerskogo monastyri︠a︡ Ieromonakha Iolii︠a︡ v pol'zu Altaĭskoĭ missii.
- - Original text at: National Library of Russia
- - Издание Московского Покровского Миссионерского монастыря Иеромонаха Иолия в пользу Алтайской миссии.
- 168 pages ; 26 x 17 cm
Source Collection
- Rare Books from the National Library of Russia
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2018693991
Online Format
- image