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Book/Printed Material Apokalipsis lit︠s︡evoĭ. Апокалипсис лицевой.

About this Item


  • Apokalipsis lit︠s︡evoĭ.

Other Title

  • Апокалипсис лицевой.

Translated Title

  • The Apocalypse (Revelation of Saint John the Divine).


  • The Apocalypse (Revelation of Saint John the Divine) is a book from the New Testament dealing primarily with eschatological topics, i.e., the final fate of the world and mankind, the reign of the Antichrist on earth, the second coming of Christ, his victory over the Antichrist, and the final judgment. The eschatological content of the Apocalypse made it one of the most popular books among the Russian Old Believers. A version of the Apocalypse with commentary, probably written in the late-sixth century by the Eastern Christian theologian Andrew, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, was the most widely read text among the Old Believers. Other versions with commentary by other theologians supplementing that of Andrew of Caesarea also were in circulation. Quite often these annotated manuscripts of the Apocalypse were illustrated with colorful miniatures. Presented here is a splendid example of this type of Apocalypse--an 18th-century manuscript from the collections of the Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (II SO RAN) in Novosibirsk, Russia. It was acquired during the institute's archeographic expedition to Tomsk Oblast in 1972 and digitized in the early 2000s as part of the Meeting of Frontiers project of the Library of Congress and partner institutions in the Russian Federation, the United States, and Germany. World Digital Library.


  • -  Manuscripts
  • -  Books
  • -  Church
  • -  Revelation
  • -  Tomsk Oblast
  • -  Bible. New Testament
  • -  Illuminations
  • -  Miniatures (Illuminations)
  • -  Old Believers
  • -  Siberia
  • -  Russian Federation


  • -  Tekst napisan poluustavom.
  • -  Rukopis' bez nachala, ne khvataet neskol'kikh listov.
  • -  Original text at: Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • -  Текст написан полууставом.
  • -  Рукопись без начала, не хватает нескольких листов.


  • 31 x 19 cm

Source Collection

  • Manuscripts from Siberia

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2018694012

Online Format

  • pdf
  • image

Additional Metadata Formats

IIIF Presentation Manifest

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Credit Line: [Original Source citation], World Digital Library

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Apokalipsis Lit︠s︡evoĭ. 1700. Pdf.

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(1700) Apokalipsis Lit︠s︡evoĭ. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

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Apokalipsis Lit︠s︡evoĭ. 1700. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.