Book/Printed Material Materialy k" izuchenii︠u︡ Ussuriĭskago krai︠a︡ : Doklady v" Obshchestvi︠e︡ izuchenii︠a︡ Amurskago krai︠a︡. Матерiалы къ изученiю Уссурiйскаго края : Доклады въ Обществѣ изученiя Амурскаго края.
About this Item
- Materialy k" izuchenii︠u︡ Ussuriĭskago krai︠a︡ : Doklady v" Obshchestvi︠e︡ izuchenii︠a︡ Amurskago krai︠a︡.
Other Title
- Матерiалы къ изученiю Уссурiйскаго края : Доклады въ Обществѣ изученiя Амурскаго края.
Translated Title
- Materials for the Study of the Ussuriysk District: Lectures at the Society for the Study of the Amur Region.
- This volume is a study of the Ussuriysk District in the Amur Region of the Russian Far East. The author, I. P. Nadarov, was a noted expert who wrote extensively on this region. The book is based on local lectures held at the Society for the Study of the Amur Region (affiliated with the Imperial Russian Geographical Society), which was organized in 1884 under the patronage of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich. The society eventually built a museum and library in Vladivostok, which focused on ethnographic collections from native cultures in the surrounding areas. The book offers a chronological history of Russian development of the region between 1860 and 1885, providing specific years and indices of economic and population growth as well as information about broader cultural and historical events. It contains a great deal of information on the relatively new Russian city of Vladivostok, including an overview of its transformation into a vital regional port. The volume also provides statistics on the local population and on border conflicts with China. The work is reflective of the era in which it was written, the late 19th century, in that it shows elements of Russian nationalism and chauvinism toward the Far East. The founder of the Society for the Study of the Amur Region, Fyodor Busse, was the head of the Russian Resettlement Administration. The volume proclaims the significance of Vladivostok as a major new Russian port on the Pacific Ocean and the need to facilitate Russian immigration while limiting Chinese and Korean migration into a region that had been absorbed into the Russian Empire only within the previous 25 years. Busse's organization worked to provide provisions and facilities for the waves of Russian peasants who were recent arrivals in the South Ussuri lands. The book cites the Treaty of Peking of 1860 as a legal basis for Russian settlement in this region, which had recently been ceded by China, but it also addresses the vulnerabilities created by the close proximity to large Asian countries and the important imbalances in population and economic capabilities between Russia and its Asian neighbors. By taking these issues into consideration, the volume highlights some of the insecurities that arose in Russia as a consequence of its rapid expansion across Siberia. World Digital Library.
- Nadarov, I. P. (Ivan Pavlovich) , author.
- - Cities and towns
- - Description and travel
- - Economic development
- - Migration
- - Population--Statistics
- - Russian Federation
- - Primorskiy Krai
- - Vladivostok
- - Presents a sketch of the young city of Vladivostok; discusses border problems with China; presents data on the population make-up of South-Ussuriskii krai along with their occupations and interrelationships.
- - Soderzhanie: Dvadt︠s︡atipi︠a︡tiletie Vladivostoka; Khashin i ego proizvodstvo; Inorodcheskoe naselenie. Tri soobshchenii︠a︡, sdelannye podpolkovnikom General'nogo shtaba I.P. Nadarovym v dekabre 1885 g. v Obshchestve izuchenii︠a︡ Amurskogo krai︠a︡. Pervoe - posvi︠a︡shcheno 25-letii︠u︡ Vladivostoka (osnvan v 1860 g.), istorii ego zaselenii︠a︡ i prevrashchenii︠a︡ v morskoĭ port. Uchityvai︠a︡ osobennosti raspolozhenii︠a︡ goroda (udobnui︠u︡ beregovui︠u︡ linii︠u︡ s zakrytymi bukhtami i nezamerzai︠u︡shcheĭ akvatorieĭ porta) avtor predskazyvaet prevrashchenie Vladivostoka v budushchem v nadezhnyĭ opornyĭ punkt Rossii na Tikhom okeane.
- - Soderzhanie: Vtoroe - probleme konkurent︠s︡ii kitaĭskoĭ (khanshin) i russkoĭ vodok. Tret'e - neobkhodimost' protivostoi︠a︡nii︠a︡ ugroze zaselenii︠a︡ krai︠a︡ kitaĭt︠s︡ami i koreĭt︠s︡ami. Ėkzempli︠a︡r s avtografom avtora: "V biblioteku Glavnogo shtaba ot sostaviteli︠a︡. 20 ii︠u︡ni︠a︡ 1886 g. G. Vladivostok".
- - Original text at: Russian State Library
- - Содержание: Двадцатипятилетие Владивостока; Хашин и его производство; Инородческое население. Три сообщения, сделанные подполковником Генерального штаба И.П. Надаровым в декабре 1885 г. в Обществе изучения Амурского края. Первое - посвящено 25-летию Владивостока (оснван в 1860 г.), истории его заселения и превращения в морской порт. Учитывая особенности расположения города (удобную береговую линию с закрытыми бухтами и незамерзающей акваторией порта) автор предсказывает превращение Владивостока в будущем в надежный опорный пункт России на Тихом океане.
- - Содержание: Второе - проблеме конкуренции китайской (ханшин) и русской водок. Третье - необходимость противостояния угрозе заселения края китайцами и корейцами. Экземпляр с автографом автора: "В библиотеку Главного штаба от составителя. 20 июня 1886 г. Г. Владивосток".
- 27 pages ; 22 cm
Source Collection
- Rare Books from the Russian State Library
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2018694154
Online Format
- image