Book/Printed Material Puteshestvie po severnym beregam Sibiri i ledovitomu mori︠u︡, sovershënnoe v 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823 i 1824 g. ėkspedit︠s︡ieĭ, sostoi︠a︡shcheĭ pod nachalom flot-leĭtenanta Ferdinanda Fon Vrangeli︠a︡. Ch. 1-2. Путешествие по северным берегам Сибири и ледовитому морю, совершённое в 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823 и 1824 г. экспедицией, состоящей под началом флот-лейтенанта Фердинанда Фон Врангеля. Ч. 1-2.
About this Item
- Puteshestvie po severnym beregam Sibiri i ledovitomu mori︠u︡, sovershënnoe v 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823 i 1824 g. ėkspedit︠s︡ieĭ, sostoi︠a︡shcheĭ pod nachalom flot-leĭtenanta Ferdinanda Fon Vrangeli︠a︡. Ch. 1-2.
Other Title
- Путешествие по северным берегам Сибири и ледовитому морю, совершённое в 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823 и 1824 г. экспедицией, состоящей под началом флот-лейтенанта Фердинанда Фон Врангеля. Ч. 1-2.
Translated Title
- Travels Along the Northern Shore of Siberia and the Arctic Ocean, Completed in 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, and 1824 as an Expedition Under the Command of Fleet-Lieutenant Ferdinand von Wrangel. Parts 1-2.
- Presented here is an atlas consisting of four maps and 12 illustrations relating to the northeastern part of Siberia, including the Chukotka Peninsula, compiled on a famous expedition in this area from 1820 to 1824 under the command of the Baron Ferdinand von Wrangel. The maps are Mercator projections that provide extensive geographical information about the region. As indicated by the legends, darker solid lines are used to show sled routes taken by expedition members (including those on sea ice in the Arctic Ocean), and lighter solid lines mark travels by horseback. The maps show the boundary between the forested regions and tundra. They also reveal points where the expedition recorded latitude and longitude (as measured from Greenwich, England). Native populations, such as the Chukchi and Yakut peoples, are listed on the map by region. Relief is shown by hachures and shading. Rivers and tributaries are named, as well as some of the mountain peaks and other geographical points of interest, including bodies of water. Significant forts and population settlements also are indicated. Several illustrations that accompany the maps provide explanatory sketches of native cultural artifacts from the area, including, for example, the sleds and yurts of the Chukchi people. Other illustrations offer vivid and colorful representations of the Northern Lights seen in the night sky from the Arctic latitudes. An accompanying book about the voyage was published along with the atlas. Baron Ferdinand von Wrangel (1796-1870) was a prominent Baltic German from Estland in the Russian Empire (present-day Estonia). He was an officer in the Imperial Russian Navy who was an accomplished and noted explorer. He eventually became the chief manager of the Russian-American Company and resided in Novo-Arkhangel'sk (present-day Sitka) for several years. He was highly regarded for both his business and ecological acumen regarding sea otters, the pelts of which comprised the primary economic focus of the company in Alaska. He later became a prominent member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, renowned for his numerous Arctic and Pacific explorations, and served as a member of the board of the Russian-American Company. World Digital Library.
- - maps
- - expeditions
- - Auroras
- - Coasts
- - Exploration and encounters
- - Indigenous peoples
- - Siberia
- - Russian Federation
- - Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
- - Sakha (Yakutiya) Republic
- - Merkatorskie karty severo-vostochnoĭ chasti Sibiri, severnogo berega Sibiri, Medvezh'ikh ostrovov i Bol'shogo i Malogo Anui︠a︡.
- - Atlas soderzhit 4 lista odnokrasochnykh kart i 12 illi︠u︡strat︠s︡iĭ otrazhai︠u︡shchikh prirodnye i︠a︡vlenii︠a︡ Severo-vostochnoĭ chasti Sibiri, a takzhe zarisuaki prelmetov byta: narty, i︠u︡rty.
- - Original text at: Russian State Library
- - Меркаторские карты северо-восточной части Сибири, северного берега Сибири, Медвежьих островов и Большого и Малого Ануя.
- - Атлас содержит 4 листа однокрасочных карт и 12 иллюстраций отражающих природные явления Северо-восточной части Сибири, а также зарисуаки прелметов быта: нарты, юрты.
- 13 pages, 1 map : illustrated.
Source Collection
- Rare Books from the Russian State Library
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2018694182
Online Format
- image