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Chicago citation style:
Brief on behalf Jacobo Vernis and Ignacio Sala de Miralles versus the legal guardians of the children of José Bover and the Fiscal Prosecutor of the Royal Ecclesiastical Tribunal of Tarragona concerning the right to asylum by the church.Ca. XVII century. [Spain: publisher not identified, XVII Century, 1600] Pdf.
APA citation style:
(1600) Brief on behalf Jacobo Vernis and Ignacio Sala de Miralles versus the legal guardians of the children of José Bover and the Fiscal Prosecutor of the Royal Ecclesiastical Tribunal of Tarragona concerning the right to asylum by the church.Ca. XVII century. [Spain: publisher not identified, XVII Century] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Brief on behalf Jacobo Vernis and Ignacio Sala de Miralles versus the legal guardians of the children of José Bover and the Fiscal Prosecutor of the Royal Ecclesiastical Tribunal of Tarragona concerning the right to asylum by the church.Ca. XVII century. [Spain: publisher not identified, XVII Century, 1600] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.