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Chicago citation style:
Brief on behalf Felix de Marymón, Marquis of Serdañola and member of the Council of His Majesty in the Supreme Council of Aragón, versus the Marquis de Castellvell and Friar José Despalau of the Monastery of San Cucufate of the religious order of San Benito, concerning title to a gift executed by Eleonor Farrán in her articles of marriage to Dalmacio Despalau. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1704] Pdf.
APA citation style:
(1704) Brief on behalf Felix de Marymón, Marquis of Serdañola and member of the Council of His Majesty in the Supreme Council of Aragón, versus the Marquis de Castellvell and Friar José Despalau of the Monastery of San Cucufate of the religious order of San Benito, concerning title to a gift executed by Eleonor Farrán in her articles of marriage to Dalmacio Despalau. [Spain: publisher not identified] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Brief on behalf Felix de Marymón, Marquis of Serdañola and member of the Council of His Majesty in the Supreme Council of Aragón, versus the Marquis de Castellvell and Friar José Despalau of the Monastery of San Cucufate of the religious order of San Benito, concerning title to a gift executed by Eleonor Farrán in her articles of marriage to Dalmacio Despalau. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1704] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.