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Chicago citation style:
Brief on behalf José de Alós, a member of the Royal Council of His Majesty, versus Carlos de Regás and others, concerning criminal charges against defendants for the burning, pillaging and felling of trees in the property owned by José de Alós located in Las Cortes of Sarría. [Spain: publisher not identified, Decemebr 22, 1717] Pdf.
APA citation style:
(1717) Brief on behalf José de Alós, a member of the Royal Council of His Majesty, versus Carlos de Regás and others, concerning criminal charges against defendants for the burning, pillaging and felling of trees in the property owned by José de Alós located in Las Cortes of Sarría. [Spain: publisher not identified, Decemebr 22] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Brief on behalf José de Alós, a member of the Royal Council of His Majesty, versus Carlos de Regás and others, concerning criminal charges against defendants for the burning, pillaging and felling of trees in the property owned by José de Alós located in Las Cortes of Sarría. [Spain: publisher not identified, Decemebr 22, 1717] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.