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Chicago citation style:
Brief on behalf Pedro de Ribas Boxadós de Granollachs, Marquis of Alfarrás, versus Francisca de Vallgornera, the widow of Baltasar de Vallgornera Montagut, previously known as Baltasar Llunes, concerning certain inheritance rights in the estate of Ana de Homs y de Montagut.. Contains family tree of Pedro de Vallgornera. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1755] Pdf.
APA citation style:
(1755) Brief on behalf Pedro de Ribas Boxadós de Granollachs, Marquis of Alfarrás, versus Francisca de Vallgornera, the widow of Baltasar de Vallgornera Montagut, previously known as Baltasar Llunes, concerning certain inheritance rights in the estate of Ana de Homs y de Montagut.. Contains family tree of Pedro de Vallgornera. [Spain: publisher not identified] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Brief on behalf Pedro de Ribas Boxadós de Granollachs, Marquis of Alfarrás, versus Francisca de Vallgornera, the widow of Baltasar de Vallgornera Montagut, previously known as Baltasar Llunes, concerning certain inheritance rights in the estate of Ana de Homs y de Montagut.. Contains family tree of Pedro de Vallgornera. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1755] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.