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Chicago citation style:
Order ofissued by Bernardo O'Conor Phaly, Lord of the Manor of Ophalia and Governor of the Princedom of Catalonia, concerning banishment from the Kingdom of Spain of the religious order of the Jesuits and that the goods and property of this religious order should be reported to the King. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1767] Pdf.
APA citation style:
(1767) Order ofissued by Bernardo O'Conor Phaly, Lord of the Manor of Ophalia and Governor of the Princedom of Catalonia, concerning banishment from the Kingdom of Spain of the religious order of the Jesuits and that the goods and property of this religious order should be reported to the King. [Spain: publisher not identified] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Order ofissued by Bernardo O'Conor Phaly, Lord of the Manor of Ophalia and Governor of the Princedom of Catalonia, concerning banishment from the Kingdom of Spain of the religious order of the Jesuits and that the goods and property of this religious order should be reported to the King. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1767] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.