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Chicago citation style:
Royal Order of June 5,issued by King Fernando VII of Spain granting the convict Lúcas del Pozo a pardon of the two years remaining in the serving of his sentence as declared in the Royal Decree of September 2, 1814.It also deals with the Council of War jurisdiction. [Spain: publisher not identified, June 5, 1816] Pdf.
APA citation style:
(1816) Royal Order of June 5,issued by King Fernando VII of Spain granting the convict Lúcas del Pozo a pardon of the two years remaining in the serving of his sentence as declared in the Royal Decree of September 2, 1814.It also deals with the Council of War jurisdiction. [Spain: publisher not identified, June 5] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Royal Order of June 5,issued by King Fernando VII of Spain granting the convict Lúcas del Pozo a pardon of the two years remaining in the serving of his sentence as declared in the Royal Decree of September 2, 1814.It also deals with the Council of War jurisdiction. [Spain: publisher not identified, June 5, 1816] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.