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Chicago citation style:
Order ofissued José de Vargas Maldonado, Marquis of La Fresnada, Viscount of Fresno and Governor of the city of Zaragoza, prohibiting unauthorized persons to bake and trade bread in the city of Zaragoza and its suburbs. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1752] Pdf.
APA citation style:
(1752) Order ofissued José de Vargas Maldonado, Marquis of La Fresnada, Viscount of Fresno and Governor of the city of Zaragoza, prohibiting unauthorized persons to bake and trade bread in the city of Zaragoza and its suburbs. [Spain: publisher not identified] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Order ofissued José de Vargas Maldonado, Marquis of La Fresnada, Viscount of Fresno and Governor of the city of Zaragoza, prohibiting unauthorized persons to bake and trade bread in the city of Zaragoza and its suburbs. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1752] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.