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Chicago citation style:
Alleged letter written by the Archduke of Austria, a pretender to the throne of Spain, requesting from the Kingdom of Mallorca allegience to the Count of Zaballa, the Archduke's Liutenant nad General Captain to the said Kingdom of Mallorca. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1706] Pdf.
APA citation style:
(1706) Alleged letter written by the Archduke of Austria, a pretender to the throne of Spain, requesting from the Kingdom of Mallorca allegience to the Count of Zaballa, the Archduke's Liutenant nad General Captain to the said Kingdom of Mallorca. [Spain: publisher not identified] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Alleged letter written by the Archduke of Austria, a pretender to the throne of Spain, requesting from the Kingdom of Mallorca allegience to the Count of Zaballa, the Archduke's Liutenant nad General Captain to the said Kingdom of Mallorca. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1706] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.