Newspaper Jenks's Portland Gazette (Portland [Me.]) 1799-1802 [Online Resource] Jenks' Portland gazette
About this Newspaper
- Jenks's Portland Gazette (Portland [Me.]) 1799-1802 [Online Resource]
Other Title
- Jenks' Portland gazette
Dates of Publication
- 1799-1802
Created / Published
- Portland [Me.] : Elezer Alley Jenks, 1799-1802.
- - Cumberland County (Me.)--Newspapers
- - Portland (Me.)--Newspapers
- - Maine--Cumberland County
- - Maine--Portland
- - United States--Maine--Cumberland--Portland
- Newspapers
- - Weekly
- - Print began with Volume. 2, Number 53 (April 29, 1799); print ceased with Volume 5, Number 230 (September 20, 1802).
- - Published as: Jenks' Portland gazette, Aug. 26, 1799-
- - Volume 2, Number 53 (April 29, 1799) (online surrogate) (Readex website, viewed Apr. 22, 2020); title from caption.
- - Volume 5, Number 230 (September 20, 1802) (online surrogate) (Readex website, viewed Apr. 22, 2020).
- - Jenks' Portland gazette. Maine advertiser 2693-7875 (DLC) 2020221423 (OCoLC)86112758
- 1 online resource (volumes)
Call Number/Physical Location
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2020221422
OCLC Number
- 86112741
ISSN Number
- 2693-7867
Preceding Titles
Succeeding Titles
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
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